Name:Lance Callsign (//character name):Mentor Post here your affiliation: Post here your reputations: Biography:I was born on planet Denver in Colorado. Studied aeronautics and plasma physics. My initial intent was to join some big company and build ships. Fate, however, had different plans for me. During my studies my dad and brother were captured by Xenos in Copperton field. The situation escalated quickly and there was not enough time for help to come. My dad was eventually killed and my brother heavily injured. These events led me to realize that I did not want to build, but actually fly best designed ships and to prevent incidents similar to that in Copperton. Why must we accept you?:I want to inspire security in who hires me, and earn money as fast as possible because money are right? Evaluates your fly ability (1/10): 7/10
//OORP section Your Language:Italian If your language is Italian, have you got Steam? What is your ID?:HexyL0n Have you got Skype?:alderisi.giovanni Evaluates your RP ability (1/10):7/10 Have you ever been sanctioned? What for?:No Do you know that it's all a game?: Yes i'm aware of that