Transmission from: Heinrich Kornfeld
"Guten Tag, Frau Schliewel. This is Alster Shipyard's Leading Technician Kornfeld. Herr Hahn asked me for more detailed information about what is required to repair the Paderborn. It seems to be important for him not to replace it. Oh, and he was so kind to grant me access for this channel. My team has once again had a look at the Paderborn, and required goods to finish the maintenance are the following."
*He pulls out a data pad, he's reading the letters it shows*
"These are...
10.000 units of Boron,
2.500 units of Engine Components,
2.000 units of Gold,
6.000 units of High Temperature Alloy,
1.000 units of Optronics,
1.000 units of Ship Hull Panels."
*He looks back at the camera and raises both eyebrows*
"That's all we need to repair the Paderborn. Schönen Abend noch."