The Clan Wars Wrote:Cybergod I know you are here and I also know that you have attacked some of my fleet take your shot but you better make sure they count because as soon as I am done with AW I am coming for you.
So you know, I consider pretty much everyone on the server my friend (including you Dab). And you *DO NOT* want to mess with my friends. Unleashing the fury of a Virus is not something one should take lightly. Remember, Viruses multiply in the thousands of millions to kill one single being, and are, in most cases, unstoppable. In this case, I believe one Virus is enough to kill multiple CUFF at once.
And, yes, I have been duped by one of you CUFF. *YOU* as a matter of fact. You *ARE* *KC*CyberGod. I have to admit, you did do a good job at it. As a warning to the general public, DO NOT TALK TO NEW PLAYERS ABOUT THE CUFF, EVER.
I don't think anyone on this server has made me TRULY angry like you CUFF are doing. I would suggest you stop before you dig your grave so deep it collapses on top of you.
Oh, and Dab, if you ever ACTUALLY go to war with these guys, you've got a friend on this side of the VR. I will not be letting a bunch of children (or child-brained adults) ruin this server NOR the friendships I believe I have made here.
Alpha 429 Wrote:Is it me or does the clan wars sound a lot like a certain friend of ours......Finius. He is just as cheeky, doesnt like the AW and generally think he is better than the rest of us. And if it is Finius then perhaps Lance may be lurking somewhere also which means its just round 2 of a war that already ravaged the server.
Alpha, I don't mean this as an insult, so please don't take offense, but did you ever talk to Finius? I doubt you did in a nonagressive manner. He did not, as far as I know, think he was better than everybody else. He just... Really, really hated Dab. He did not have anything against Korrd, or the other members of the AW, such as you. I can tell you now, if he did come back, he would *NOT* join CUFF. If he did, I am majorly disappointed.
And if you're thinking that Wedge Antilles is a created persona, why go through all this trouble just to topple Dab? Last time I talked to him, he said he would *NOT* be joining or making a faction, if he were to come back. Notice *IF*. I haven't talked to him in a rather long time, though.
Besides, I don't think he's a huge Star Wars fan... At least not enough to make three (that I know of) characters from Star Wars themes... Rogue Squadron ({CUFF}Rogue), the ARC-170, A.K.A the ARC Bird, a clone trooper fighter with three wings ({CUFF}=T=ARC170), and Wedge Antilles, Luke Skywalker's best friend (the forum name).
Finius is an, overall, good guy who just got a little carried away, it seems. I also consider him my friend.
Finius, if you *ARE* in-fact reading this, give me a ring, will ya? Couple of things I would like to clear up.
And yes, I know I broke my promise that I would no longer post about CUFF dealings... But these things could not go unknown, in my opinion.