IRP Name: Harvey Brown Age: 22 Height: 5'9 Weight: 135 Biography: I was brought up in a militaristic family most of my relatives severed in the liberty navy for long stints I wish to keep this flowing though out the family. at the age of 16 I applied for basic flight training which lasted till I was 18 mean while I was studying our law's and battle's so when the time was right I would have the knowledge to be a valuable asset.
I myself was plaint side on California minor when the Gallic navy made their push I lost many friends and family when the border station was attacked and later destroyed.
What's your motivation for joining our fleet?:
I wish to help keep liberty free and this seems to be done best by the 5th fleet.
OORP What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?:
Ive done a bit of everything from trading to snub combat, a decent amount of RP interaction.