Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record. 2 meters tall, 102 kg, underwent CQC, CQB, Urban and basic military training, as for the mental record part, outta prison they evaluate you... they said i was "fine"
Origin Born and raised in planet Houston
Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us? the not much known Liberty Ranger units teached me how to shoot, went to the Navy academy to learn how to fly but... after seeing some cr@p you don't get used to academical enviroments
Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other) Im qualified to do Logistics and Paramilitary
Briefly tell us about yourself. after good old uncle sam had nothing else to ask from me... id like to have some fun
Why do you wish to join us? because i can?
What's your Skype? Yamikaze.nowolf
Why do you want to join us? Be honest. i knew you guys over TS, and i like you
Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10. RP depends on the character, i tend to go Chaotic Lawful, and PVP wise i suck using snubs but i do good with gunboats and other heavy ordinance
Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior? i do.