Yoshida was sitting on the right side of Moriarty. Though he was always careful with his dressing style, in this occassion he wore one of the most expensive tailor made suits in Sirius, made by the prestigious Venetian fashion house, its entirety crafted in hand. How it ended up in his possession was anyone's guess, however he certainly had the means to purchase one.
The Provocateur listened carefully to all the Lane Hackers. A successful career record meant quicker and easier elevation within the organization and undoubtedly there were several aspiring young Hackers within that room.
"Our Professor Provocateur has brought up a significant issue, and everyone's input will be taken into consideration, thank you. Please consult the Lane Hacker Briefings for any changes in our operational protocol." Goro Yoshida said and his gaze scanned the room, making sure that he's got everyone's attention.
"However I would like to talk about something else. The re-appearance of IND under an independent scheme presents us with a new challenge. Their cancerous influence is not to be left unchecked or otherwise it will consume the entire Sirius. It befalls to each one of us to make sure IND does not regain its former power and influence.
Furthermore, the civil war between LN and LSF presents us with a unique opportunity to increase our numbers. If Battlegroup Harmony successfully escapes the LN blockade, we will have hundreds of LSF personnel stranded on Mactan. We will invite these former agents to join our ranks, we are afterall their natural choice, now that they have gone rogue. For those few who will refuse our invitation, preparations have been made to make sure they join us, one way or the other." The man said with a low voice and dark eyes.