Your application looks quite promising, experience in customer service, working knowledge of passenger care and a self-starter within the leisure industry. The distain for conflict is understandable and a sentiment you will find shared among many of the OSC staff, Security not withstanding, however you may discover that as an OSC captain you will cross paths with war more so than any other profession. Our perhaps unique political standing allows us access to every colony within the sector even during times of conflict, in these times our captains can be witness to the effects of war on both sides, an experience that can be quite harrowing and frequently unconsidered.
In order to gauge suitability we ask several questions that highlight aspects of OSC life that be in opposition to an applicants personality. If you could answer the following questions it will aid us greatly in our decision:
1. As a member of OSC staff you may be sent into or through colonies at war with your home nation, such as Gallia. Would you still be able to perform your duties and remain unbaised throughout?
2. In the course of your duties you may be forced to act against the tenants of your faith such as firing upon and possibly killing a hostile or dangerous person. Would you be able to perform such an act if the need arises?
Again, thank you for your interest and I look forward to your reply.