I do enjoy the tactics and strategy of running and fighting--so when I do so, I do so to win. I won't die in order to type something. I'll type after I save my life.
However, I enjoy the Rp as well--as long as I don't have to "park" inactive for forty-five minutes straight to do it and it involves something concrete and not metaphysical.
As a sight typist, I may not chat a lot in intense combat (though I always make it a point to say something in there a few times).
All that said, I actually really enjoy the server and Hogosha and its all I play here. If I'm not engaged, I can be pretty chatty.
Pet Peeve: People who have never played the faction I am with explaining to me why my faction wouldn't do that and insisting I explain everything I am doing for them with threats of reporting or sanctioning or with crappy personal remarks.
U.S. but am self employed and work online so my hours really flex. usually best after 12pm GMT on weekdays. Weekends are on and off all over the map--hard to plan them.
Kusari with long trade routes out system.
<span style="font-family:System">Hogosha Exile</span> The Journal of Benjo Dokosai