There's a list of players already compiled. Though there isn't any time given.
The chars are in sig. I mainly engage in RP duties in my RHA char Johannes Farb. He sure likes to talk. Mainly on-line 21 GMT - 01 GMT. (UTC+2 time zone, meaning I'll be on 21 UTC - 01 UTC))
@ angelfire: There's already a concept like UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and Internet time (which uses the UTC standard). Here's the Swatch (the company intitiated that initiated it) Internet time calculator. No need to make up your own. I still think GMT or UTC work best. The Internet time with beats if pretty alien and would suit the Disco needs perfectly. But alas, nobody would show up in the events that start @beats.
I consider everyone I meet to be a RPer. Even though the secret handshake concept could work. Why not have a trial period?