And why not making this ship the official of Navy, Bretonia, Kusari and Rheinland militaries ? In addition with Outcasts, corsairs, mercs and any freelancer who want one, then, ANYBODY WOULD BORROW THIS SHIP AS THEY WANT !
Oh ! I forgot Zoners, BD, Mollies, Repex, BPA, LPI, Rheinland Police, Kusari Police, ALG, GMG, LWB, Hessians, IC, IS, Terraformation,... Do I really need to spell them all ?
This ship is supposed to be sold ONLY for BD and at Gran Canaria, a Zoner base in a system locked by CORSAIRS ! What's the matter ? I love this one, but anybody seems to say it's big s?~t ! No talking about the ones reminding it's a Star Wars one... WHY ANYBODY WANT ONE ?! IF YOU REALLY DOES, MAKE YOU A CHAR TO FLY IT UP ! INSTEAD OF ALLOWING IT FOR ANYBODY WITHOUT ANY THINKING BEHIND THIS ! C'MON ! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A RP SERVER ! IF YOU'RE NOT ABLE TO KEEP YOUR WEAKNESSES TO PRESERVE YOUR RP CHAR, GO TO A PvP ONE AND ASK FOR THE PLANS TO TRANSFER RT INTO THIS ONE !
EDIT : I now realise that I'm a very flaming guy... But some things are annoying me more than I would rather... To illustrate my way of thinking : my LR doesn't fly a cap, and I'll make a cop flying a Patriot at this rate...
OK for gentle RP, OK for gentle PvP too. What do you prefer ?
Hurk hurk hurk...
[\JG/]Pim (mercenary, ex-IMG)(Raven's talon, New London and New Berlin mainly)
John Smith(independant trader, ex-contract killer on Manhattan)(Heavy Tanker)