I've been propagating the rebalance of PoB hull and repair rates in order to allow more opportunity for both successful sieges and defenses in the past, I'm not doing otherwise this time either. My proposal is to nerf repair rates and buff the overall hull of bases. To support the idea of these changes I've brought a very mystical entity to help me in my cause: mathematics. @Karst did a good job at a siege time calculator sheet a while ago, I used his spreadsheet as the basis of mine, a bit reformatted, and created several modified versions to display the differences between each.
● All numbers in the sheet mean siege lenght in minutes depending on attacking force, base core level and amount of different repair materials.
● It is implied that a functional shield is also actively defending the PoB.
● Red bold negative numbers represent cases where the overall DPS of the attackers do not overcome the repair rate of the base, thus effectively no damage is done.
● Orange bold numbers represent cases where the lenght of the siege extends the two hour period of PvP Death.
The general aims of this proposal are the following:
● Allow players with lesser numbers or inferior technology to be able to put a dent into PoBs -> eliminate the red area at least partially
● Allow defenders several chances of combatting the attackers -> extend the orange area as much as possible
● Extend siege lenght as much as possible -> raise all numbers in general
In order to illustrate the effects of the various balance changes I've drawn a few examples of hull buff and repair nerf on their own, plus a few combinations of those.
It is easy to notice that nerfing the repair rate cuts the red areas shorter, while buffing hull raises all numbers, thus a combination of these extends the orange area as intended.