Speakin' o' delivered propaganda, oy wanted tae submit mae own personal logs about aour operations in deh omega-three system.
April 11th 823AS, The cap'tain o' deh Fogotten.Sound did help oos willingly deliverin' a massoive load o' Propaganda on planet Sprague. Oy would say, she e'en seemed happy tae give oos a hand.
June 4th 823AS Distrupting the lane in omega-three, oy met the cap'tain o' deh ALG shippie callsoign theMenscha. Dhis toime oy moight have been forced tae intimidate deh poilot so he o' she, would help oos deliverin' more propaganda.
June 11th 823AS Once again deh lane has been proved tae be a reliable source o' tradin' vessel. Dhis toime, me un' me matey, Andrew, floyin' deh Greyhound, intercepted deh Bowex shippie callsoign Bowex)CaptainCook, in deh Graham Ice Cloud. Oy mussay dhat oy would be surproise how bret corporates could be willinfull tae help oos, oif it wasnae deh first toime it happened. Anyway, once again we managed tae deliver deh propaganda.
On anodher subject, oy would loike tae add two more encounter in deh Omega-three system.
Deh first wun happened on November 5th 823AS. T'was wun o' doses Zone' Serenity ship we 's use tae see in deh system. But once forced aout o' deh lane, deh Vessel Ahmed_architect imediatly opened foire on mae, un' oy had nae choice but tae retaliate. Widh deh help o' a wingmatey, we managed tae salvage 482 military vehicles, which were temporarily stored on Lisburn Rock.
Deh last wun happened on November 13th 823AS, a few days afte' deh fist encounter. Once again, we intecepted anoder vessel, deh Pallas.Emerson which was also hauling Military Vehicles, but dhis toime deh cap'tain admit he was about tae sell 'em tae Brets. Despite Andrew's proposal tae blow up deh cargo, oy opted fer a diplomatic way, un' we made an agreement widh deh Cap'tain, buyin' deh 380 Vehicles frem him.
Vehicles dhat were also temporarily stored on Lisburn Rock.
Since, we freed deh warehouses o' Lisburn un' stored all deh 862 Military Vehicles on deh Goldern Coin fer further use in aour ground operations.