(02-15-2017, 02:30 PM)Mr.Fabulous Wrote: I and a friend of mine talked about this, and we realized that the most important resource in PoB's is time. Meaning the amount of time sinked into making said base, organizing the supplies, orchestrating constant maintenance, and how much time you have to sink in in order to get it running again, versus how much time it takes to take one down.
We came up with this idea of "siege bases".
> Current mechanics are that PoB's are invulnerable to any form of attacks whilst the base's shields are up. We thought this was fine, and should prevent the shenanigans of random peeps wanting to take potshots out of your precious base. We also thought that base shields should be a GIVEN when it comes to a base, in that you don't need to supply fuel to keep a shield running, and it'll keep running 24/7 under normal circumstances.
> "Siege Bases" are a category of POB's that you can only build beside an already-existing base, and its role is to slowly reduce the shields of the POB you want destroyed, until it's deshielded. A deshielded base is a fragile base, and a single SNAC blast would be enough to down it, just like in NPC bounty missions.
> How it works is that you take a base constructor with the regular base supplies, set it at most 5km from the POB you want destroyed, select the POB (this'll be important), and then type /siegebase. This'll set up your POSB.
> While the POSB is active, every hour that passes it will reduce the shield integrity of the POB by 1%, out of a 100% total. To keep the POSB active, you'll have to constantly resupply it, just like a regular POB. Once the POB's shield integrity is at 0%, any ship is free to shoot at the fragile POB.
> Depending on how how many POBs can exist at a time in a system, ideally I'd like to be able to set up multiple POSB's against a POB to quicken the amount of time it takes to deshield a POB, or barring that you'll be able to 'upgrade' the POSB. In any case, more/higher POSBs will cost more resources to keep the siege momentum.
> If you don't keep it active, the POSB will QUICKLY deteriorate, and explode. In addition, while the POSB is inactive, the POB will also regenerate its shield integrity by 1-5% an hour, depending on its Core Level. So long as at least one POSB is active, the POB won't regenerate its shields.
This system hopes to not only give defenders enough time to respond to a base siege, but for the attackers to also need to put in equal amounts of time and effort into destroying an asset the defenders worked so hard to set up in the first place. And it also hopes to lessen the drama by taking the 'player' out of engaging POB's directly, and instead makes the POSB do the heavy lifting, while the players themselves focus on blockading and shooting each other.
tl;dr - make POBs inherently invincible behind their shield, without needing special fuel to keep them that way; idea for 'siege bases' that slowly reduces the POB shield to make them vulnerable; POSB need as much time and effort to setup and maintain to destroy a given POB; this would at least lessen the drama by making players focus on other players and letting POSBs do the heavy lifting.
Your proposal does not consider level of a POB and that is not right. Killing core 1 POB should not require same amount of effort as killing core 5 POB. It needs to be scaled, because killing level 1 POBs should be relatively easy (because their construction is fast and easy, setting them up takes like an hour). Otherwise they would be great tool for trolling, imagine that lawfuls would have to spend tens of hours of organized effort to remove every single illegal base dropped in some place where it should not be. That will become demotivating pretty fast.
And by the way don´t expect that drama will be lessened much regardless of system. There will be always drama when there is real loss at stake. After all, there is drama even when nothing is lost and people can just click the respawn button.