- I do believe some spare clothes would come in handy. This will hardly be a single afternoon thing. - he followed her look, noticing the engineer. - As for security measures, did you expect a massive thug in a military-grade exosuit following your every step? - he asked, putting on a more or less genuine smirk. - Excuse me for a moment... - he then said, turning around to the engineer. The other man just handed him the pad. - How long? - Clarke asked.
- Half an hour.
- Good. - Clarke nodded, looking over the data pad. The engineer glanced over at Grubo, fixing his cap, then back at Clarke before walking away, shaking his head slightly. Clarke turned back to Grubo. - Our ship will be loaded and ready in thirty minutes. Untill that happens, all I can offer you is an invitation to our local bar, as a tour of the facility is not an option, I'm afraid. Or you can also finish whatever business back on your ship, should you have any.