The second wave of returners was intended to support our combat efforts in the Home of Light, yet they are no longer a match for the evolved technology of the Darkness. Deprivation. The Light however has adapted the songs and dreams about the predator warform. The predators will replace the assassins and the assassins will be repurposed.
Clarity. The Assassins will move to the sphere of the purple veil in the Forgotten Void and enter the sphere. Advisor Narasimha will guide the aspects. The Light will construct a sanctuary within the flux of solid and liquid of the sphere.
Happiness. The Sparkling Raiders have proven their worthiness to our cause. They are loyal to the Light, even without being blessed with a Carrier of Light. The Confluence shall discuss about changing this. The Darklings are dangerous and we might be able to use the Sparkling Raiders to fight the Darkness.
The Oracles of Ishmael have been confused about our previous purge on them. Aspect Kapheira instrued the those Darklings to never enter the Forgotten Void, and only enter the Azure Void, the Ancient Void and the Void of the Rift if the Vagrants or the Brethren of Light approve. Without their approval, we will ensure the purity of those voids, and we will not allow any Darkling to enter the void of our predestinated sanctuary. All aspects will defend the Forgotten Void and the Sphere of the Purple Veil. Destiny.