Name: Lacey Von Erich
Age: 35, born year 789 A.S,
Short bio: My parent's where killed mining in Dublin, they where shot down and killed by the Molly's who claim Dublin as there own. I was only 18 at the time my parents where killed. For some reason on my dad's will he left his hegemon mining ship for me. Being upset about my loss of my mother and father, time was tough but I tried to move on with my life, so with my hegemon that was left for me and the few million my parents had in storage. I moved down to Rheinland when I turned 20, this gave me time to try move on from my losses and have training in the mining fields of Dublin.
I moved down to Essen Station within New Berlin and later joined Kruger where I became a Omega 7 miner for them. Over recent months, things got tough, my hegemon became heavily damage by the Hessian Army, this left me vulnerable. This is why I wish to join Daumann, for a change of scenario and hopefully to be welcomed with more respect.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? For a better future for my children, when I have them and find someone to spend the rest of my life with.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Because I have the experience of mining and transporting for Kruger, mostly mining within the Omega 7 fields.
1- Applicants with genetic modifications (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected). Don't have any
2- Applicans must have a S.K.Y.P.E account. You have my skype account