note to mods: since this ain't a flood worthy thread, it deserves to be moved out of it
Auz, I'd like to ask that you find the time (sometime soonish) to show any possible clipping improvements with pics of the new engine using a gaian ship.
Using my Anaconda, I offer up some examples of how bad the clipping is now. (& very similar to how bad it's always been since the chameleon was introduced)
I honestly hope that when you say "Clipping really isn't that much of an issue" it's because you saw how much of an issue it really is now & took the steps to improve it.
However, it's my nature to hope for the best & expect the worst & based on your replies, it doesn't inspire confidence that you have, so you'll forgive me & understand my desire for proof
As my examples show, because of the design of this specific ship, the overbloated clipfest light halo from the flame surrounding the majority of the ship is the primary driver of my argument as to why the design flaws need to be adapted to & the flame size reduced significantly, regardless of my preference for RP minimalism.
If the gaians are to have a gaian-made engine, then the engine should fit as perfectly as possible specifically to the gaian shipline & should not suffer simply for the sake of general univesality.