It is the tankiest human battleship, yes. The Orange Treaty however significantly lowers its operational area, as it - lore-wise - forbids to use maltese capitals against Liberty. So the most people using the Ranseur are either lolwuts that head into the Nomicrons or to challenge the Corsairs. Or to simply give an eff about the Orange Treaty and move to New York, attack Liberty and getting FR5'd with Rochester because people go there to log off and flee from Liberty.
As for the loadout, a tank is usually bad at strafing and thus you want to take advantage of your superior hull. Take a short-range loadout, the Cerbs should be cool. If you want to strafe with the big Ranseur, you should stay in the distance and fire heavy mortars, possibly combined with a Battleship Missile. However, that would be a waste of its short-range advantage against other capitals.