Dear administrators. I hope you keep in mind what you have told us about last weekend and the voting.
However, since it's been already a month after we've passed the 2 months period, and it's still being unknown will we get our official status or not, even with the amount of activity and RP we did, there has been a slight drop of our activity in game and on forums. A bit.
That's due to fact most of us are busy with work, and daily real life obligations. We can as well see that it reflects whole server population as well.
Though, I will get to the point. I would kindly ask you people to, due to these facts above - have them in mind when you will be voting on our request. It's been affected with the time we still wait for the green clarification.
It is understandable that you might be busy with keeping server in a good state, and that there's work with the new version coming. Understand us as well then as you expect us to understand you.
I only hope you will value our effort, and have all factors that I've stated on your mind.