==================== Type: Systems / rep Bug: station, lane and gate became hostile after update ====================
Something weird with Rishiri - Lyonnais region. This might not be a bug, but it soulds a lot like one. If I am wrong, please advise what to do.
My trader does nothing but trade (no missions, etc), so rep should not change.
After update, the gate Rishiri - Lyonnais and 1 lane on each side became hostile, together with battleship on the Lyonnais side. Important: regular NPC convoys also see those Lanes as hostile and simply shoot and disrupt them on sight! They shoot at first lane section (where you normally dock), and they are not pirates, they are obviously regular NPC convoys (1 trader and 2 fighters), they arrive and disrupt the lane they are supposed to enter.
The rest of the Lyonnais and Rishiri lanes and stations are white, even some green.
The Battleship Venissieux currently belongs to GRN which always was hostile to me (but was always white), and there are no bribe places for GRN (all according to FLStat), is this correct? If this is by design, how to fix it?
According to wiki (and human logic), GRN is allied to Gallic Corporations, which is me.
My full rep is below.
Some prints, coming from Lyonnais back to Rishiri:
(note that both planet Lyon apperar Red on scanner, but both gates are white when pass mouse on them!) http://i.imgur.com/Ou1Bmv3.jpg