'Ere's deh reports o' deh last invents dhat occured lately.
Fist wun did take place on May 24th, 824AS were deh Control tower informed oos o' several unknown vessels spottedin Dublin. So, aour patrol headed straight tae deh Northern field, a well known place fer harbourin' BMM smugglers un' such.
Durin' deh floight, we fell upon a recently built station, near deh Hood : Eldorado Station, un' apparently its owner, Raymond Zimmerman. O' course, as deh base was built widhaout deh Republic allowance, we had a talk widh ser Zimmerman on deh subject.
Howe'er, deh Armed Force interrupted dhis conversation un' we had tae foight dem un' deir lackey, aoutnumbered boye far.
Despoite deh losses, we managed to destroyed all o' deh mercenaries' craft un' repeal deh remainin' shippies.
Attached files : * , *
Deh second report be all 'bout a recently discovered system next tae Dublin.
As severals o' aour patrols did before oy started me own; oy was informed o' an anomaly in deh Dublin system. Soon afte' oy was able tae locate deh source : un' "unknown" Jump hole.
E'en oif at first oy thought 'bout anoder tae Reach Derry, deh previous patrols informed deh Council dhat it wasnae deh case.
Upon jumpin', oy discovered a totally new, un' uncharted system. Afte' a boit o' survey, oy managed tae found a way aout tae Dublin.
Since den, we launched several odher patrols tae dhat New system, we encountered many people attracted by dhat opportunity :
BPA un' armed forces, informin' oos 'bout some alien loifeforms found 'ere. [ * ]
BMM moiners, takin' back tae Dublin some new found ore. [ * ]
A Forlorn fella troyin' tae explain whoy a mate o' him attacked oos a whoile back.
Zoners, un' IMG, lookin' for deh same ore, near an abandoned Station. [ ** ]
Some armed forces ships, eidher explorin' deh system, o' guard deh entrance tae it. ( O' course we had tae get rid o' em ). [ ** ]
We e'en managed tae get some o' dhis ore fer aourselves. [ * ]
In deh end, we found aout dhat deh Jump hole collapsed, un' deh system couldn't be accessed anymore. [ * ]
Anyway, oy wanted tae talk a bit more 'bout deh Eldorado station, since, afte' its owner was contacted o'er deh comm channel, we did learn 'bout dem harbouring deh Armed Force among odher things, oy troied tae negociate widh 'em. Howe'er, we're widaout news fer more dhan a week, durin' hich deh station core was upgraded , un' we moight have tae do what must be done fer deh safety o' deh Republic.