The sudden closeness between Hussaini and her definitely felt unpleasant, and together with this mocking tone of his, it costed her some self-control to now start making a face of digust. The way he spoke sent awful shivers down her spine. She felt the sudden, yet natural urge to step back a little to gain more distance again, but knew that it was probably exactly what he expected. It would show some self-confidence just staying where she was, she thought, and so she did, not moving an inch. Chest out, straightening herself again. "Oh, I wasn't worried at any point that something would have happened to you", said she, being able to keep a more or less neutral tone. "You seem like a person who knows how to rely on oneself, if I might say so."
Slowly regaining control over her mind again, not being as surprised by the situation anymore as she had been before, she automatically switched on the girly behavior. Stroking through her blue-dyed hair, putting a grin on her lips, she would say: "Thanks, I must admit I've put some effort into it. Good to see somebody is appreciating it." The grin kept being there, and as she saw he had extended his hand, she would go for it - and instantly regret it. His hand felt cold, extremely cold to be exact. It sent another shudder through her, but this time she could conserve the demeanor she had accumulated, except that her grin disappeared all of a sudden.