Trying to keep the eye contact with him, Elena kept listening. In the end, she just let out a heavy sigh in which some amusement sounded too, though. What he told her about the nomads seemed pretty logical when she thought about it, however she had felt the same not one hour ago looking into Hussaini's eyes, so she wanted to avoid jumping to any conclusions now. Her paranoia hadn't fully subsided yet, so she became a little cautious with believing every single of his words. Maybe he was just trying to manipulate her like Hussaini did, who could know it? Befriending her, just to make use of her sooner or later? That's what he had told her - he made friends to survive. The expressions on her face were showing these deliberations quite well in fact, the Operative would definitely notice she was considering his words very carefully.
"You know what I'm thinking?", she asked at the end to break the silence again. "Maybe you've been right, from the beginning. Maybe I shouldn't have ever made you take off this helmet in the first place. A lot of things probably would be easier that way, and I would most certainly not be in this fuc.ked up situation right now. Come on, I know what you wanna give me. The good 'I've told you'." Realizing her words sounded far too regretting than she had intended to, she added: "I'm still glad I made you reveal yourself, though, Ez. One more person I seem I can trust." She paused for a moment, straightening herself. "Also, I guess I now owe you something, don't I? I mean, it's been full of complications, but if I had been alone, I guess I would now be either persuaded, dead or infected. Alive sounds like a better outcome by far." A faint chuckle escaped her mouth, however she soon turned serious again, looking him into the eyes.