Gather around friends, it's time for me to tell you a story of the most lolwutty person I have ever seen, and this community has probably ever seen.
I will keep their shipname and ship type unmentioned, though you'll probably encounter them sometime. Maybe.
I was making rounds in Liberty, trying to find someone to pirate. When I pass by Manhattan and witness a Nomad go by. I didn't have time to check their cargo, but right off the bat they said "Truce?" I thought to myself: Hmm. Probably a Morph trying to get the hang of things. Boy was I wrong. Anyway, he vanished off radar before I could find him, so I went on with my routine.
About half an hour later, I'm passing the Missouri when I notice the Nomad sitting near the Pittsburgh Debris Field. So I go up to him and try to start some RP. But right off the bat, he starts spitting out random nonsense in the local chat as he's being attacked by some NPCs. He's also jittering everywhere, as he has 350 ping and 12% lag and 3% loss.
But I notice something. He's not flying a Light Fighter, he's flying a normal Nomad ship with an Independent Nomad ID. So I warn him (in Private Message of course) that he's out of ZoI and that he is not allowed to do that.
[22.06.2017 16:17:06] Me: Oh it's you again.
[22.06.2017 16:17:13] Other Dude - Ping: 351ms (Max: 1000ms) Fluct: 35ms Loss: 3% (Max: 70%) Lag: 12% (Max: 100%)
[22.06.2017 16:17:53] Me: //uhhh
[22.06.2017 16:17:58] Me: //you realize you're out of your ZOI?
[22.06.2017 16:18:02] Other Dude: AHH!!!!!!
[22.06.2017 16:18:17] Me: //you uh
[22.06.2017 16:18:23] Me: //arent allowed to be out of your zoi
[22.06.2017 16:18:25] Me: //you know that right
[22.06.2017 16:18:48] Other Dude: no i did not know that.
[22.06.2017 16:18:54] Me: //yeah your zoi is listed on your ID
[22.06.2017 16:19:26] Me: //you're allowed to be in the omicrons, omegas, tau-37,
[22.06.2017 16:19:31] Me: //and TEMPORARILY New London
This is where it starts to turn weird. After that converstaion, he says that he's "looking for someone to give him a Navy ID".
[22.06.2017 16:19:45] Other Dude: I am trying to find a player who can get me a navy id.
[22.06.2017 16:19:52] Me: //why?
[22.06.2017 16:19:58] Me: //you're flying a nomad ship
[22.06.2017 16:20:05] Me: //also talk to me in private
[22.06.2017 16:21:03] Me: //you have like no idea how RP works here do you
[22.06.2017 16:21:33] Other Dude: i wanted a nomad ship, and this was the only way i could get and be in the Navy.
[22.06.2017 16:21:47] Me: //yeah thats not how it works...
[22.06.2017 16:21:54] Me: //this is an RP server
[22.06.2017 16:22:02] Me: //and an alien organism ship being controled by a navy
[22.06.2017 16:22:06] Me: //is literally impossible
[22.06.2017 16:22:13] Me: //and straight up not allowed
[22.06.2017 16:22:28] Other Dude: ok.
[22.06.2017 16:22:36] Me: //If you want to a navy, you need a navy ship
[22.06.2017 16:22:43] Me: //not a nomad one
[22.06.2017 16:22:50] Me: //and even then
[22.06.2017 16:22:54] Me: //If you put a navy id on
[22.06.2017 16:23:05] Me: //the server will make your powercore reduce to like 10%
[22.06.2017 16:23:09] Me: //and you wont be able to shoot jack squat
So I'm asking the guy, "Why do you need a Navy ID anyway?" He says that it's so he can have a Tractor Beam and Dock on Navy Bases with a Nomad Ship. At this point I realize he has absolutely NO idea how role play works here. I consider myself a pretty horrible teacher, so I tried to redirect him to the forums.
[22.06.2017 16:24:12] Other Dude: the id is so that i can dock. not to metion that i don't have a tractor beam.
[22.06.2017 16:24:28] Me: //okay this...
[22.06.2017 16:24:33] Me: //holy hell this is a special case
[22.06.2017 16:24:36] Me: //Okay here's my advice.
[22.06.2017 16:24:40] Me: //You know we have forums?
[22.06.2017 16:24:58] Other Dude: NOT AGAIN!!! [He's getting shot by more NPCs]
[22.06.2017 16:25:49] Me: //Okay you need.
[22.06.2017 16:25:53] Me: //To goto the forums.
[22.06.2017 16:26:00] Me: //And ask people to give you guides on how to roleplay.
[22.06.2017 16:26:03] Me: //Because this is a roleplay server.
[22.06.2017 16:26:12] Me: //And you're straight up...i dont even know
[22.06.2017 16:26:41] Me: //Still ,you're out of your ZoI
After I tell him all this, he drops a bombshell on me saying he is only the age of 16 and has no web browser. Obviously I am confused as hell and have no clue how he got the mod without a web browser. He says a friend brought it on a USB flash drive and installed it here, and that his parents won't let him have net access yet (even though Discovery is using the net, but okay then).
[22.06.2017 16:26:44] Other Dude: i don't have a web browser, I'm only 16
[22.06.2017 16:26:54] Me: //How do you not have a damn web browser?!?1
[22.06.2017 16:26:59] Me: //And im 17, thats no excuse
[22.06.2017 16:27:12] Me: //If you got this game, you have a web browser.
[22.06.2017 16:27:56] Other Dude: my parents won't let me have access to the net yet.
[22.06.2017 16:28:12] Me: //...i dont
[22.06.2017 16:28:27] Me: //alrightg
[22.06.2017 16:28:32] Me: //Based off what you told me
[22.06.2017 16:28:35] Me: //This is not a place for you.
[22.06.2017 16:28:40] Me: //You probably shouldnt play here.
[22.06.2017 16:28:49] Me: //How did you get the mod
[22.06.2017 16:28:53] Me: //Without a web browser
[22.06.2017 16:29:18] Other Dude: A friend
[22.06.2017 16:29:23] Me: //Be more specific.
[22.06.2017 16:30:08] Me: //At the age of 16 if your parents dont let you use the internet
[22.06.2017 16:30:14] Me: //Your parents have some major overprotection issues.
[22.06.2017 16:30:24] Me: //Or they're just brain dead. I admit I was quite harsh here and shouldn't have ripped on their parents like that. Quite uncool of me.
[22.06.2017 16:30:42] Other Dude: one of my Friends downloaded it for me and put it on a usb drive.
[22.06.2017 16:30:58] Me: //UGh.
At this point, he disconnects (or just completely lags out) from the server. And yes. I blew him up.
[22.06.2017 16:31:37] 2017-06-22 21:27:30 SMT : Other Dude is attempting to disconnect from the server
[22.06.2017 16:31:43] Death: Other Dude was put out of action by Sexy Pirate Person (Gun).
So ends the tale of the lone Nomad. Who ventured forth from Omicron Psi, in search of a Navy ID. Then he died. The end.
Disclaimer: I am not trying to rip on this innocent person, I just thought it was an interesting and one of a kind moment. Also, it was kinda funny afterwards. Thought I'd share it. Admins, feel free to remove or edit this post if you believe it's a bit insensitive or practically harassment.