There's quite a few players from Discovery that are playing SWTOR, some old, some new to the game. I've decided to bring everyone together in one big group where we can organize things to do, stuff to kill, and gear to earn.
We've set up a Discord server specifically for this occasion so communication is easier. Since we have started playing this game together; back then it was just @"Auzari", @Reeves and myself; the group grew steadily and we now count 22 members from all over, some from Discovery, some from other places, and we continue to grow.
I've tried helping out everyone that was both new and old grasp the changes and help them with the principles of this game.
We now count quite a few people in the group, and everyone is welcome to join us, where we'll help you learn the basics and start the fight against Jedi/Sith
Some info:
We play on the NA East server called Satele Shan, on the Imperial side at the moment
We have a help desk where we answer any and all questions
We have players from all timezones, so you never feel lonely
We set up a fund for new players to help boost their startup
Still unsure if you wanna try? Check out the images below
(Flashpoint:Korriban Incursion)
(Flashpoint:Korriban Incursion)
(Flashpoint:Directive 7)
(Imperial Fleet:Centurion Tyrrannea)
[placeholder for more images]
If you wanna inquire for more info, or if you feel the darkside/lightside call you up, use this link to hop on our Discord server. From there on you can ask us for anything and everything you wish to know before you jump in your personal story and become a Sith Lord, or a Jedi Master!