L.N.S. Omaha, Juneau Shipyard, Alaska System, Liberty.
Bay 1
They arrived. That was the first and final and whatever step on a new or old way. But for the first time he had time to think. Yeah, nothing really interesting came out during this.
Phoenix took his arm. Come with me. He followed her. After they went the right, then the left and again the right, three (or four?) floors were crossed and then they finally arrived at the quarter of the dungeon master.
Room 3.O.12
Subject 35 66 3, go to this line. Look at me and stand still. After some seconds the master talked again. Lastname and firstname, in this order? Taylor, Ethan Birthday and Age? 29th of September, 803 after Settlement, 21 Are you in the Navy or in the Liberty Security Force? Navy. Rank? Lieutenant Commander in the 5th Fleet. Why are you here? You better tell me, I have no clue. Who sent you here? Involved were Murray, Prower and her. Ok. Your data will be saved into the Fairbanks Databank.
The master took off Taylors handcuffs and in the same moment his gun. Put everything you have in this box.
This took some minutes, but after that procedure he was brought to his small residence: Cell 2.A.40
Morosz as Admiral Sader and random guys
Spectre as Murray and Bradley and random guys
DarkTails as Prower and random guys
Ikarus_Hagen as random guys and Ethan Taylor.