Everyone who says they want to see the Xenos lose their Eagles should try being a Xeno before saying that.
Discovery is designed from the VHF up. Weapon rebalancing, everything Discovery members have been working on for years, begins at weapon class 8. Flying anything less than a VHF (mk2 LFs and HFs excluded,) means you can only engage ships of similar class realistically. So other than the 2 or 3 Lane hackers, Rogues and LPI flying around in Stillettos, Wolfhounds and Patriots stoically, there would be nothing for a Xeno in a hawk or starblazer to engage. No, the only appeal a Hawk driving xeno character would have for me is if I were allowed to blow up low level players. I would love to force these people to roll play (role play or DIE!) But the server rules say life starts at level 40 with your ID, everything that happens before lvl 40 is irrelevant.
Role play has to give way to practicality eventually, and for me it gives way at the VHF. I won't fly anything less.
As for Xeno bombers, I wouldn't mind seeing them go. Make the Xeno ID exclude bombers is something I've always supported. The only possible argument for Xeno bombers would be for independent Xenos trying to take traders down. Have you ever tried to take a Transport shield down in an Eagle with Xeno guns by yourself? Its possible, but by the time you get the shield down twice with the guys bats and plow through all 400 or so of his nanobots the guy has thrusted his way to a dock somewhere. Since I'm typically flying with 2 or 3 of my mates it doesn't matter so much to me. There's also the bazillion independent Bounty Hunter Cruisers floating around Colorado and Kepler...and Packs of Liberty Cruisers to contend with...
Xenos can get their firepower from numbers rather than bombers-but don't try to use this argument to put us all in Hawks because its been tried. 3 of us in Hawks and a Starblazer took on one Guardian with a lvl 10 shield and we couldn't get it down.
So Xenos are poor, but not that poor. Be happy we don't fly around in Cruisers.