the previous design was better, imo. - liberty ships are slender, kinda beautiful ( grey / blue colour - a sleek ship hull suggests something elegant and smooth ) - but they are also very functional. they have exhausts where they need them, they have few but well placed ornaments that serve no other purpose than to look good. ( in contrast to rheinland. rheinland ships are very functional with little compromise to the form. rheinland would prolly fly cubes into battle if they proved to be somewhat suprior to their current design )
i d like to see more functional parts on it. - the tubes should be more functional. - thats why i considered the very first design not bad at all. - the tubes being far away from the body. that suggested that "size" or "space" wasn t a major concern of the design. - liberty has space to operate, they don t hide in rocks. - a carrier never enters an asteroid field, more than any other capital ship, it can afford to stay outside and launch fighters into it.
the far away tubes looked good, cause - like i said in one other reply - they provided safety. with fuel / ammonition being stored there - its natural that a pod has to be somewhat distant to the vital mainbody of the ship - and that its only connected with absolutely necessary stabilizers. ( maybe ... so that it can be, in case of fire or other desasters, blown off - so it cannot endanger the ship itself. )
having the tubes close to the body makes the whole ship smaller of course and we know that in a pvp a smaller profile is an advantage - but it was more convincing to have the tubes far away. - a carrier isn t only meant to fight. its also a ship to intimidate. - like the zoner juggernaut it should also impress by its size. - for example the osiris doesn t look impressive at all - but its very efficient when it keeps a distance and dodges. the zoner juggernaut is nothing but a blunt axe. big and it can hit you like a truck - nothing is very sublte about it.
i think the liberty carrier can be more like that. - a checkmate move not by its equipment or stats... but by its size and appearence.