-Deh firs' wun be deh report o' deh siege o' deh Graves Storage Complex, on August 11th 824AS. Afte' callin' aout deh SCRA fer reinforcement, we assembled deh fist comin' vessels o' deh siegin' party near deh aforementioned storage depot.
In deh e'ent o' crew bein' stationed aboard, we offered 'em tae surrender un' den be evacuated aout o' deh Area. Deh station , den, quickly fell apart, afore deh Crown lackeys could arroive.
Howe'er, as aour fleet were retreatin' , afte' deh job was done, we were ambushed boye a comboined force o' Brets un' Libertonians. Tae aour much surproise, deh Libertonians vessels attacked oos aoutroight. E'en t'wasnae deh first toime we spotted some o' em in Dublin, dey ne'er dare such a bold attack. Me guess deh Brets be relocatin' some o' deir forces frem Dublin tae New London tae fend off deh Gallic Royalists.
Ne'erdehless, aour fleet was crushed loike beetles beneath deir heels, un' all o' aour vessels were destroyed o' heavily damaged, despoite deh destruction o' deh Libertonians vessels.
Unfortunatly, nae footage o' deh Battle could be saved fer dhis report.
Oy derefore suggest dhat we'd study carefully deh Brets tactics in order tae nae suffer such a setback again.
- Deh second wun, be all 'bout dhat base Seamus report oos 'bout : deh Dublin Moiners Pub. Un' oy would loike tae tank e'erywun fer reports, un' guess 'bout its owner : Miss Paddy.
Due tae a misdirected third party comm', we managed tae know more 'bout dhat madder.
Unfortunatly, deh base was seemingly destroyed boye deh Armed forces, frem what oy heard.
-Third be anoder madder a station found in Dublin on October deh 14th, 824AS. Un' deh name o' dhis base be BMM-Goldgeist. As its name clearly show it be affiliated widh BMM, we moight have tae lay siege tae it. Howe'er, oy was quoite surpoised tae see dhat deh base let me dock aboard., only tae foind aout tae gol' ore was fer sale 'ere.
Deh very fact dhat dey let oos dock, moight be a soign dhat deh station was built boye possoible supporters o' deh Republic amon BMM. Oy tink we shall troy tae contact 'em.
-Last wun, but nae deh least... Eldorado Station... again. In his last message tae oos, Zimmerman offered oos deh four IDs o' deh IMG deceased crew, which were given tae mae on aour last encounter.
Deh owner o' Eldorado, also gave tae some o' oos deh dockin' roight tae deh station. Oy was mesel' able tae dock, un' get aboard it. Ye all would have notoiced dhat deh core o' de base was upgraded fer deh second toime, despoite aour demands nae tae do so.
Furthermore, we still have ne knowledge tae know who'd be able tae dock on dhat station, be it mercenaries, o' greedy Bretonian, Libertonian, o' rheinlandic coporations. Un' we's still awaitin' fer deh ability tae do so, un' tae limit deh dockin' tae dhat station.
Oy know some o' oos warn oos 'bout dhat lad bein' possibly troyin' tae get toime, but in deh end would nae accept deh Republic's demands. Un' oy start tae tink loike deh wuns who warned oos.
So oy guess, deh council will be willin' tae listen tae any opinion on dhat perticular madder, un' act quicly.