As we wait for the RP to develop between the factions involved in the event, the first part of the storyline event may commence.
The scrap field in the Frankfrurt System has now been activated and the mining bonus is currently available for the:
Ageira ID.............................................................4.0 Bonus (Same ships as DSE ID) Note: Ageira ID has the right to treat the salvage the same way as they treat JG and Lane components - they can demand non-allied IDs to drop the commodity within Liberty, systems bordering Liberty, Rheinland and Sigmas for the duration of this event.
AI ID......................................................................5.0 Bonus (Dromedary)
The sellpoints are:
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma.........................$8,200
Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha............................$8,600
Pueblo Station, Colorado...................................$9,600
Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho.....................$6,700
Taba Starbase, Omicron Mu.............................$8,400
Culebra Smelter, Puerto Rico...........................$9,900
Planet Gammu, Omicron Kappa......................$8,100
Wuppertal Refinery, Koeln...............................$7,900
The changes to ID lines will be the result of (or the lack of) roleplay participation between the official factions (+GMG) involved in the event.
EDIT: Big danke to @Karst for the price calculatorings.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: