Have Bretonia and Liberty launch a major operation wherein they NEMP, or deploy some secret weapon they were working on which permanently disables jumpholes (and of course, destroy all the jumpgates) that lead to and from Gallia. Maybe have a few Gallic Council/GRN/Gallic corp/gallic unlawfuls remnants flying around Sirius, but their status would effectly become reduced to something similar to the SCRA rather than the behemoth they are right now. This is despite the fact that so much work has been put into Gallia, I've seen how well developed the stations there are and how beautiful its systems are, but there really hasn't been that much RP inside of Gallia as compared to the rest of Sirius. I think this is because people who play Freelancer identify easily with Sirius because they played the vanilla campaign several times and they have read many of its infocards and rumours. The same cannot be said for Gallia - we have nothing to link it to Singleplayer, so I don't think many players can really identify or understand the house hence why there isn't that much RP in it.
And then maybe focus on having Rheinland turn red with the Red Hessians successfully overthrowing the government there in a popular but extremely chaotic revolution. They can then turn Rheinland into a Socialist paradise (or hell), and persecute the Bundschuh (since they are more moderate and peaceful than the Hessians iRP) and other allies to cement their power like the LWB maybe (or maybe not). Previous government/Rheinland forces would become the new unlawfuls, leading some sort of Right-wing restoration movement inside of Rheinland.
Meanwhile, capitalist Bretonia and Liberty are alarmed that the reds have taken over Rheinland, and begin a cold war to restore power to the previous government. Maybe turn Kusari into a constitutional monarchy to so that the Republic and the Imperials stop fighting each other.
I can't really think of anything else right now, but I'll probably add more ideas.
By the way, whats the purpose of this post? Are story-devs going to implement some ideas mentioned in this thread? Are you recruiting new story devs and seeing who has good ideas and who doesn't?