~ Battleship Fes move into more secure area(ice could) in order to strike and lunch heavy fleets to attack the Cambridge planet.
~ Corsair (Dalos) pushed into Kusari (New Tokyo), break all the suppliers of Outcast which was coming from the Liberty. Eventually outcast lose their path into the Liberty and Outcasts become more worry about the Corsairs since they have pushed into Kusari heart. This mean corsair get a new zoi only NT not the entire Kusari zoi otherwise it will be unbalanced for other faction, mostly IMG will suffer mostly.
~ Corsair ally with the Imperial Kusari to win the war, share the common enemy and a bargain between the Corsair and the Imperial for the Saigon. Corsair start involved into Kusari government/politcs body, GMG start hating the entire Imperial Kusari, later the GMG make an agreement with the Rheinland to share their tech and make a new weapons for the Rheinland, in the other hand GMG get a blueprint of Donao and GMG start building it for their new war with the Imperial kusari. GMG and Rheinland become more worry about the Sigma/Saigon. Rheinland will aid the GMG to win the war.
~ Since the outcast has been cut out from liberty as the Corsair invasion into Kusari’s heart, they make their new buddy with the Blood Dragon to push the Corsair.
~ Corsair do not like the Bretonian but nor they want the Gallic to rule over the Bretonia, Corsair knew if they help Gallic to push from the Cambridge, Gallic will win but eventually a new war will be begun with the Gallic, since Gallic is also a lawful faction, it maybe the most powerful faction and showed hostility to three major houses so Corsair do not wish to aid or support the Gallic.
~ If Gallic win and take over the New london, few Armed forces left into Cambridge, who will join with the Corsair into a new war with the Gallic. But the Corsair will keep remain into silent but they do not wish to welcome the Gallic to come near the Omega.
~ Corsair do not concern about the Liberty since it is way too much far from their home but Corsair sees Xeno as their supporter and Xeno wish to share their common enemy with the Corsais, Corsair will be more rich for killing the Outcast.
~ Outcasts rage more growing to lose the Kusari and they want to make a new move with the Red hessian. Outcast and the Red Hessian alliance born and they share their shipyard with each other. Coalition noticed about the new Red Hessian movement which is turned them down and the Coalition make a truce with the Corsair Empire to strike the Outcast and Red Hessian. As Coalition and Corsair Empire earned the trust they become allies and rule the omegas.
~ As Gallic pushing into Liberty space, Council and Outcast become friendly and made a deadly force to attack the Gallic from behind which will cost a lot to Gallic due to their defenseless.
~ Zoner become untrust humen more than the Nomads, which is turned down the Order to shoot them since the Zoner keep letting the Core kill anybody and use Freeport hospitality. The Order and the Corsair once again become into a one unit to strike the Nomads and the Core. Which cost the Core to lose the Omicron Delta but their ally Rheinlander let them settle them into Sigma or in Rheinland.