The shuttle trembled as it decended through the rain of New London, wind battered the sides of the ship as it made it's way down through the various layers of cloud. Soon the turbulance subsided and the shuttle had a smooth approach in. Weber shifted in his seat, eager to get out of what he considered a flying coffin. His security detail, which consisted of four men, steped out of the ship first and, once they were satisfied with the area, signaled the Director to follow, which he did.
Stepping out with ease, he surveyed his surroundings, a tall, grim building stood before him, with two guards armed to the teeth, this did not bother him. His agents were trained well enough to handle whatever might come at them. Still, his curiosity was held by the building, and the nature of the meeting he was to attend. The air was cold in the shadow of the complex and he and his group moved to the center of the landing pad while a group of armed men and women approached. His guards made no visable attempt to touch their side arms or even their retractable blades, but Weber knew that they were ready all the same.