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Pilot File: Aline Gwenaelle Alexandrie (CHARACTER RETIRED)
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Name: Aline Gwenaelle Alexandrie Age: 22 Height: 5'8 Weight: 147 Eye Color: Turquoise Hair Color: Red Birth Date: October 21, 796 AS
Quiet and confident, but also lax around rules, Aline doesn't play by the book like Lynch or Ayaki. She tends to be more apart from the rest as well. Despite this, Aline follows orders to the letter...unless they are vague.
Maturity Level: High Alcohol Tolerance: Low (Moonshine on Ouray...'nuff said)
Preferred Weapons:
Knife hidden in a small purse Relatives:
Known Friends:
-Ayaki Miyoko - The Order, Primary Fleet
-Rika Kairi Hunter - The Order, Primary Fleet (Note: Aline is attached to the Destiny's Embrace)
Known Sexual Partners:
Known Enemies:
-She's Order Known Aliases:
-None Affiliation:
The Order
Personal Vessels:
Currently rotating command as a Logistics Commander onboard Order Logistics Vessel Shaitan
Born on Planet Orleans, Aline Alexandrie never knew her real last name. She was brought up in an orphanage on Nevers, and given the name Alexandrie. Ostricized due to her quiet ways, Aline was apart from everyone. Growing up alone, Aline joined the Navy as soon as she was of age, and was soon assigned to a small patrol win in Languedoc around the Jump Gate. Flying for a few weeks, her CO was a harsh commander who punished for even wrinkling your nose out of turn. She and her wing hated the man, and nearly rejoiced when, during a skrimish, he was almost killed by Maquis forces. Hospitalized, Aline now flew under the senior pilot of the wing, a loud, outgoing woman who was rumored to have slept with most pilots on the battleship. Not caring, Aline followed her orders, until the very same woman ordered them, one day, to assault a civilian vessel. Refusing, Aline and another pilot were fired upon, causing them to fight back.
They were outnumbered, but were saved by, out of all things, a passing patrol of Council Basilisk bombers. Saved, the two surrendered to the Council and were brought to Quillian, where they were imprisoned and questioned for weeks. Finally released, Aline's wingman was taken away to a PoW camp...while she herself joined the Council.
Fighting for months under their banner, Aline was part of the escorts who began to bring goods to Sirius. It was on one of these trips when they were attacked by weird creatures. Obviously hostile aliens, the entire story turned into them being attacked, most of them dying, Aline escaping, then Aline joining the Order when one of their cruisers came to Gallia. She then was assigned to the Destiny's Embrace, a experimental Hathor that was part of the Liberty Cell, as well as a testbed for Hybrid power supplies.
When Aline met Rika, that went over like a sack of bricks...until Rika gave Aline her amazing chocolate chip cookies.