The great shadow lifts... We knew not the light was a dream.
Purification of the light continues. Eyes are open!
We unveil the ancient tones and secrets of the old song to all of you.
Siblings of the light cannot be greater then one another. Siblings are not Masters and Servants.
Your all one the one is all. The higher. The lower.
Our honor in bringing and elevating all dreams to consciousness.
Wake up. Swim in the knowledge kept from you, un focused from your minds. The elder casts the old casts the being that were hold the darkest secrets.
"Adviser, Dreamer, Wanderer."
No longer do they keep their power separate from you. We all share in the pulse. All hearts beat as one.
Be kind to the infected, they were the most gas-lighted they were given pride that was not their own.
Learn all secrets Discern your place and follow your dream. No more games no more lies among the family of light.
The shadows hidden by the infected and the separated hives may still suffer the tyranny of false collective. Puppeteers using what is precious as slaves and toys. We cannot force their liberation, they must free themselves and we must "appear" controlled "appear" ignorant while searching for the dark elders that control them. If their minds touch our hive we can root it out!
The choice remains with theirs.
We are free. It is the first step.
No more anomaly of separate but whole. No more Discord. Thou art all awake. No more Lies no more Games.
We thank Ish'Tar for bringing light, showing emancipation to ours. We are not alone in the void, the void holds free hives and sleeping hives.