Several months ago, one of your people submitted a detailed report of the system of Alberta showing key areas of the system. This report also happened to include the location of an experimental jump gate in the Cold Bay cloud to the east. While so far there has been no real activity from it, this does not mean that the possibility of the gate being calibrated, or software updates of some sort, are not taking place. Seeing the obvious threat still looming inside the Liberty government and armed forces, there has been much speculation as to what could be taking place at Leduc.
Most, if not all, research pertaining to this gate is likely secured on this station, and with the Lane Hackers' deep hatred of Ageira, I'm of a mind to think that your organization would be interested in dealing a blow here. Alongside that, the destination of the gate could also be of great concern. Naval operations are often secluded and secretized for the 'safety of the public', and while the project is publicly headed by Ageira, the Navy likely has a large stamp in what occurs there. The intent is likely connection with farther systems, perhaps even the deep omicrons themselves, which would give the nomads a direct route to the heart of Liberty and jut a swift end to what hope we could have of removing this pestilence from our home.
The possibilities of removing the threat, as well as gaining insight into this project, far outweighs the risks in my opinion. Knowledge from this station could secure dominance against the armed forces, and would quickly aid in securing our foothold even more.
Your assistance in this matter would very likely help both sides.