Well, this is it. I have been here since the end of June, 2007, and now I am leaving. On Saterday I will be flying from Oklahoma to Pennslyvania to help out at a ranch/summer camp for the summer, and will be attending there college level apprentiship program in the fall. If I come back, It wont be at least until August 2009, and I hope to do a second year so that would be August 2010. Thanks Igiss for a wonderful mod, thanks to all of you for a wonderful community. And a special thanks to Marburg and Knucklehead for helping me get started. Mwerte will be keeping my chars warm, and all the factions I am a part of can put me on 'inactive' status. These are RoS, LH, HF, and RHA (official) and AW, OSC, and NPG (unofficial). Thanks guys, Duke out.
EDIT: The Ranch has a internet con but it is Strictly limmited and I will be working/studying for around 12 hours a day sooooo...only email there. And yeah, you ogamers feel free to raid, not much of a defence up.
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott