Alot of things transpired in a single day. It seems like the Arkania is a reliable ally for the future. I do not know what to make of that Nomak person. He seems to be too eager to learn of my objectives. I wont tell that ofcourse. He thinks I can be contained.
That notion alone is heresy. The Zoners of Freeport 11 are too mouthy for their own good, which is not a good thing for future relations. The oracles are still a mystery to me. I never learned of their intentions before the order interrupted.
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[17.01.2018 20:23:05] K'Hara|Kha'ana: [She can see a ship right infront of Halite. Looks like an Eagle. Suddenly it explodes and Nicoles mother screams.]
[17.01.2018 20:23:20] Arkania: Rachel: Are you save in there,Pilot ? Or shall we get you on board of our ship ?
[17.01.2018 20:23:33] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: *Halite's pilot gets choked*
[17.01.2018 20:23:46] Nicole.Prower: M-Mother.. n.. no..
[17.01.2018 20:23:51] LC-Halite: You... dare...
[17.01.2018 20:24:05] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I do, unless you shut up."
[17.01.2018 20:24:24] Megaera.: This place never stops to amaze me
[17.01.2018 20:24:27] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I don't normally choke people to death - that's rather medieval."
[17.01.2018 20:24:45] LC-Halite: Xenos filth.
[17.01.2018 20:24:52] LC-Halite: Die.
[17.01.2018 20:24:54] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?:d?w
[17.01.2018 20:25:00] Nicole.Prower: M.. Mother.. *Silent sobbing as communications form the Talon are cut.*
[17.01.2018 20:25:11] K'Hara|Kha'ana: [No life signs, nothing. A high energy source can be located from Halite's direction. Seems like his weapons are online.]
[17.01.2018 20:25:38] Nicole.Prower: *Communications return.* You.. son of a..
[17.01.2018 20:25:53] Nicole.Prower: You killed.. my mother..
[17.01.2018 20:26:04] Nicole.Prower: So now.. I'm going to kill you..
[17.01.2018 20:26:15] Nicole.Prower: *Sets bottle aside, arming weapons* Now.. you die..
[17.01.2018 20:27:36] Megaera.: Are you people really here waiting every time to give me a show or do I just show up at the right moments?
[17.01.2018 20:27:45] LC-Halite: The latter.
[17.01.2018 20:28:01] Nicole.Prower: Goddamn.. Murderer
[17.01.2018 20:28:08] Arkania: Rachel: Greetings Pilot of the Megaera.We are pleased to see you are well
[17.01.2018 20:28:22] Megaera.: No swearing in my presence
[17.01.2018 20:29:01] Megaera.: I am Megaera, not the ship
[17.01.2018 20:31:02] Tip: Are you new to our server? Introduce yourself on our forums in the Welcome Section
[17.01.2018 20:32:35] Arkania: Rachel: How are you,Miss Megaera.We are surprised to see you out here.We assumed you were still in Liberty Space
[17.01.2018 20:33:19] Megaera.: It was boring there, so I decided to come back here after crossing the omegas
[17.01.2018 20:34:11] Arkania: Rachel: We see.If it is okay for you we would like to meet you in person at one day.
[17.01.2018 20:34:47] Megaera.: Perhaps.
[17.01.2018 20:35:07] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(amusement)**
[17.01.2018 20:35:24] Arkania: Rachel: We look forward then to hear from you when and if it is possible from your side.
[17.01.2018 20:35:28] Megaera.: Is there really no one who respects the no fire zone here?
[17.01.2018 20:35:46] Arkania: Rachel: You do and we do
[17.01.2018 20:39:32] Megaera.: Guess the fun is over
[17.01.2018 20:39:50] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(amusement)**
[17.01.2018 20:39:58] Arkania: Rachel: We agree.But it was an impressive show
[17.01.2018 20:40:03] Nicole.Prower: Burn.. murderer..
[17.01.2018 20:40:04] Death: LC-Halite suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[17.01.2018 20:40:09] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Idiot."
[17.01.2018 20:40:17] Megaera.: That was disapointing
[17.01.2018 20:40:20] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Mhm."
[17.01.2018 20:40:28] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "He literally mined his own guns."
[17.01.2018 20:40:39] Nicole.Prower: I need to go lay down.. on Yaren..
[17.01.2018 20:41:57] Arkania: Rachel: Welcome back Pilot.We are pleased to see that the fire in your cockpit is no longer there
[17.01.2018 20:42:05] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Eh."
[17.01.2018 20:42:17] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Just some crazy lighting."
[17.01.2018 20:43:11] Arkania: Rachel: We missread our sensor data then.Apologies
[17.01.2018 20:43:40] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I never imagined he was so dumb as to nuke his own guns."
[17.01.2018 20:44:30] Arkania: Rachel: He might have had his reasons.But we can't say anything regarding this
[17.01.2018 20:45:16] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **'Ours' appreciate removal of [Halite] (amusement)**
[17.01.2018 20:46:42] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "By the way, captain of the Arkania, what brings you out here?"
[17.01.2018 20:47:45] Megaera.: It is all quiet
[17.01.2018 20:47:53] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Mhm."
[17.01.2018 20:47:57] Arkania: Rachel: We are here to gain the Informations back we lost some time ago.
[17.01.2018 20:48:14] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Informations? Interesting."
[17.01.2018 20:48:58] Arkania: Rachel: Indeed.Starcharts,Navigation Coordinates.The position of plantes,fields and station of a star system
[17.01.2018 20:49:24] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Which star system, if I may ask?"
[17.01.2018 20:50:26] Arkania: Rachel: The whole Sector.Excluding the systems where the invasion came from.
[17.01.2018 20:50:44] Megaera.: What invasion?
[17.01.2018 20:51:12] Arkania: Rachel: The Invasion of the people who call themselves "Gallics"
[17.01.2018 20:51:23] Megaera.: ah
[17.01.2018 20:51:29] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Mmh."
[17.01.2018 20:51:36] Megaera.: They are weird people
[17.01.2018 20:51:53] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I suppose you have already explored Delta."
[17.01.2018 20:52:01] Megaera.: Everything in that area shoots at me
[17.01.2018 20:54:01] Arkania: Rachel: No.We only mapped the jump anomaly,Planet Vaitupu and this Station here
[17.01.2018 20:54:37] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "If you wish, I can guide you around Delta."
[17.01.2018 20:54:54] Megaera.: I will come too
[17.01.2018 20:55:30] Arkania: Rachel: We would appreciate your help
[17.01.2018 20:55:39] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Alright."
[17.01.2018 20:55:49] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Do follow me in formation."
[17.01.2018 20:55:57] Megaera.: Last time I got interrupted by Harmony that opened fire
[17.01.2018 20:57:38] Arkania: Rachel: What are these remains whe just crossed ?
[17.01.2018 20:57:58] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "The Oreor Fragments?"
[17.01.2018 20:58:05] Arkania: Rachel: Indeed
[17.01.2018 20:58:06] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Parts of a small planetoid."
[17.01.2018 20:58:43] Arkania: Rachel: We see.Was it destroyed by a cosmic event or by any other force ?
[17.01.2018 20:59:04] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Even I do not know - but allow me to introduce myself."
[17.01.2018 20:59:21] Arkania: Rachel: Of course.
[17.01.2018 20:59:24] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "I am Abrolhos, High Exarch of the Oracles."
[17.01.2018 21:00:15] Arkania: Rachel: We see.The entity we spoke to named your...Organisation.
[17.01.2018 21:00:29] Megaera.: I am Megaera, the wanderer and seeker of void
[17.01.2018 21:00:33] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "...Entity?"
[17.01.2018 21:01:14] Arkania: Rachel: Yes.A voice which talked to us.It said we shall not search for you but that you will come to us.
[17.01.2018 21:01:37] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "What a coincidence."
[17.01.2018 21:01:57] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **'Yours' called 'ours' (?)**
[17.01.2018 21:02:09] Arkania: Rachel: A entity like this one which just appeared on your side.
[17.01.2018 21:02:19] Megaera.: I think I spoke to it before. But then again. To me alot of nomad voices are similar. Forgive me if I was wrong
[17.01.2018 21:02:25] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Mmh..."
[17.01.2018 21:02:40] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I think you have been...blessed."
[17.01.2018 21:02:57] Arkania: Rachel: What do you mean with "being blessed" ?
[17.01.2018 21:03:00] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "We shall speak away from prying eyes."
[17.01.2018 21:03:14] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Use the anomaly and jump to Omicron Lost."
[17.01.2018 21:03:27] Arkania: Rachel: If you like us to do so.
And thus we entered Omicron Lost. There we encountered one of the nomads. It was pleasant company untill untill one of the anoying Order ships uncloaked and ruined our fun. We dispatched it, but afterwards one of the more treacherous nomads opened fire and caught us off guard.
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[17.01.2018 21:04:17] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "No one should disturb us here."
[17.01.2018 21:04:32] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **'Yours' missing ~hostile intentions~ (confusion) 'Yours' following ~light~ (?)**
[17.01.2018 21:04:40] Megaera.: Well I have never encountered anyone here
[17.01.2018 21:04:52] Megaera.: I do not follow anyone
[17.01.2018 21:04:54] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "As I said - it's a dead end system."
[17.01.2018 21:05:19] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "But we are near this entity's very home."
[17.01.2018 21:05:23] Arkania: Rachel: We don't believe it is a Dead end.Everything has a connecktion to something.
[17.01.2018 21:05:37] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Not this system."
[17.01.2018 21:05:48] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **'Yours' deny following ~light~ (?)**
[17.01.2018 21:06:13] Megaera.: I do, but that does not mean I am hostile
[17.01.2018 21:06:23] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "It never said you were."
[17.01.2018 21:06:33] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "It stated that you bear no ill will."
[17.01.2018 21:07:26] Megaera.: You kind destroyed who I once was, but you also facilitated who I am now. Therefore I bear no ill will
[17.01.2018 21:07:50] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Very well."
[17.01.2018 21:08:17] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Then it is by the Light's blessing that you stumbled upon me, and thus this entity, perhaps."
[17.01.2018 21:08:17] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(acceptance) 'Yours' showed 'ours' no hostility (joy) 'Yours' welcome in 'ours' |Void|**
[17.01.2018 21:08:48] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(anger)**
[17.01.2018 21:08:49] Megaera.: Actually Have met various nomads already
[17.01.2018 21:08:55] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Hm?"
[17.01.2018 21:09:03] Megaera.: The one you called vagrants
[17.01.2018 21:09:10] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Someone is here."
[17.01.2018 21:09:16] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Probably cloaked."
[17.01.2018 21:09:23] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Show yourself."
[17.01.2018 21:09:24] Arkania: Rachel: So these entities are called Nomads?
[17.01.2018 21:09:27] The_Bulwark: Nomads are the enemy, and you led me right to this one
[17.01.2018 21:09:32] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "We know you are here."
[17.01.2018 21:09:40] Megaera.: There
[17.01.2018 21:09:41] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **'Ours' can see [endity] (anger) ~Lurking~ in the |shadows| (rage)**
[17.01.2018 21:09:53] The_Bulwark: The Order have failed
[17.01.2018 21:09:56] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(rage)**
[17.01.2018 21:09:57] Megaera.: Order leave now
[17.01.2018 21:10:01] The_Bulwark: We shall be the New Shield sirius needs
[17.01.2018 21:10:03] Megaera.: You have no business here
[17.01.2018 21:10:12] The_Bulwark: nor do you
[17.01.2018 21:10:13] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
[17.01.2018 21:10:18] Megaera.: I do
[17.01.2018 21:10:20] The_Bulwark: All guns, open fire on the nomad ship
[17.01.2018 21:10:21] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Hilarious."
[17.01.2018 21:10:30] Megaera.: You will not
[17.01.2018 21:10:30] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "Everybody, move!"
[17.01.2018 21:10:45] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **'Ours' protect (anger)**
[17.01.2018 21:10:55] Arkania: Rachel: Why do you want to attack the entity ?
[17.01.2018 21:12:47] Arkania: Rachel: We will aid our friend Megaera if you do not stop shooting her.
[17.01.2018 21:13:07] The_Bulwark: She shot first, we had no intention of engaging her, however, if you engage us, we will return fire
[17.01.2018 21:13:18] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "You fired first, idiot."
[17.01.2018 21:13:24] The_Bulwark: On the nomad
[17.01.2018 21:13:25] Megaera.: You ignored my command
[17.01.2018 21:13:30] The_Bulwark: Who are you to command me?
[17.01.2018 21:13:35] Megaera.: Megaera
[17.01.2018 21:13:46] The_Bulwark: And That means what to me
[17.01.2018 21:13:53] Megaera.: Destruction
[17.01.2018 21:16:42] Arkania: Rachel: You are still trying to harm our friend.You make us angry so that we will aid her
[17.01.2018 21:16:52] The_Bulwark: prepare mortars
[17.01.2018 21:16:52] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "About time."
[17.01.2018 21:17:48] The_Bulwark: leave now, do not force us to destory you
[17.01.2018 21:17:53] Megaera.: Arkania do not kill yourself
[17.01.2018 21:18:06] The_Bulwark: good choice
[17.01.2018 21:18:46] Arkania: Rachel: Alright.We are sorry Megaera.That we could not be a greater help.
[17.01.2018 21:19:05] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(rage)**
[17.01.2018 21:23:50] The_Bulwark: Oracle, despite being an ally of the nto make us destory you, leave now
[17.01.2018 21:24:00] Oracle|Abrolhos: A: "You'd wish."
[17.01.2018 21:27:23] Death: Oracle|Abrolhos was put out of action by The_Bulwark (Gun).
[17.01.2018 21:27:45] The_Bulwark: unfortunate but they made their choice
[17.01.2018 21:32:24] Vagrant.Kapheira: *Kapheira begins to pulsate.*
[17.01.2018 21:32:45] Vagrant.Kapheira: "The Light will purge the Darkness."
[17.01.2018 21:33:00] The_Bulwark: We will be Humanitys shield
[17.01.2018 21:33:36] The_Bulwark: Well Played Megaera
[17.01.2018 21:33:39] The_Bulwark: Enemy of humanity
[17.01.2018 21:33:40] K'Hara|Kha'ana: **(joy)**
[17.01.2018 21:33:41] Death: The_Bulwark was put out of action by Vagrant.Kapheira (Gun).
[17.01.2018 21:33:43] Arkania: Rachel: It looks like the entities can grow larger..we are most impressed
[17.01.2018 21:33:53] Megaera.: I told you not to ignore my command...
[17.01.2018 21:33:57] Megaera.: Foolish mortal
[17.01.2018 21:34:05] Death: Arkania was put out of action by Vagrant.Kapheira (Gun).
[17.01.2018 21:34:16] Death: Megaera. was put out of action by Vagrant.Kapheira (Gun).
Afterwards we limped back to Freeport 11, where we were met with less pleasant reception than usual.
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[17.01.2018 21:42:33] LC-Halite: Okay, drop the cargo. You've got loot and I want it now.
[17.01.2018 21:43:19] LC-Halite: Nothing~
[17.01.2018 21:45:06] LC-Halite: Oh look, it's a person with no concept of subtlety.
[17.01.2018 21:45:07] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I shall be going now. Farewell."
[17.01.2018 21:45:12] LC-Halite: Well, are you really a person, alien filth?
[17.01.2018 21:45:28] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I do."
[17.01.2018 21:45:59] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I'm human like you."
[17.01.2018 21:46:08] LC-Halite: All right, let's do a simple test.
[17.01.2018 21:46:12] Megaera.: I can vouch for that
[17.01.2018 21:46:14] Arkania: Rachel: We wish you a safe journey.Maybe we meet again
[17.01.2018 21:46:25] Megaera.: Good travels Rachel
[17.01.2018 21:46:28] LC-Halite: Um... okay, I can't make people choke in their cockpits.
[17.01.2018 21:46:46] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Telekinesis."
[17.01.2018 21:47:01] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Lots of meditation."
[17.01.2018 21:47:17] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Miss Hanamura?"
[17.01.2018 21:47:22] LC-Halite: That would explain your lackluster piloting skills. You're too detached from the material plane.
[17.01.2018 21:47:25] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: Yes. That is me.
[17.01.2018 21:47:47] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: Furthermore, Lost Company vessel, Amscray from the NFZ. you're not welcome here.
[17.01.2018 21:47:56] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "This here guy LC-Halite did harm me and another vessel inside the NFZ of the Freeport."
[17.01.2018 21:48:00] LC-Halite: Oh please, this is where the action is.
[17.01.2018 21:48:12] LC-Halite: You mean, you tried to telekinetically choke someone and I intervened.
[17.01.2018 21:48:17] LC-Halite: Let's not mince words here.
[17.01.2018 21:48:24] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: Is that so.
[17.01.2018 21:48:31] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Then you opened fire on my ship."
[17.01.2018 21:48:37] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Inside the NFZ."
[17.01.2018 21:48:41] LC-Halite: It sure stopped you choking the person.
[17.01.2018 21:48:46] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "Mine was self-defence."
[17.01.2018 21:49:06] LC-Halite: So telekinetically choking someone is perfectly acceptable now?
[17.01.2018 21:49:06] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: First off, Lost Company vessels are persona-non-grata here.
[17.01.2018 21:49:10] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "And look, the Arcadia."
[17.01.2018 21:49:22] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: So you being here is a problem in and of itself.
[17.01.2018 21:49:35] Voncloud: The Arcadia is free game, engage him at will
[17.01.2018 21:49:36] Megaera.: Lost company must sure have angered you
[17.01.2018 21:49:46] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: Let me get my "big Stick".
[17.01.2018 21:49:50] Arkania: Rachel: We greet you all Pilots and Captains
[17.01.2018 21:49:54] LC-Halite: I made mincemeat out of one of her friends.
[17.01.2018 21:50:10] Oracle|Abrolhos: ?: "I'll be going."
[17.01.2018 21:50:14] LC-Halite: She deserved it, though.
[17.01.2018 21:50:16] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: What, you and Elroy trading places in your ships?
[17.01.2018 21:50:20] LC-Halite: Who?
[17.01.2018 21:50:22] Voncloud: Id leave whilst you can Halite
[17.01.2018 21:50:28] Voncloud: you and the LC are not welcome here
[17.01.2018 21:50:28] ZDV-Rathgrith: N: Devourer.
[17.01.2018 21:51:00] LC-Halite: I'm going to stop you right there. The only Elroy I know is over there. *gestures to that place, you know where*
[17.01.2018 21:51:28] LC-Halite: Also, I am the pilot of Devourer. I am the pilot of a lot of things.
[17.01.2018 21:51:41] Voncloud: So your the only member of your own little treehouse club?
[17.01.2018 21:51:54] LC-Halite: Nah. We got a couple other guys, I'm just the only one interested in the Omicrons.
[17.01.2018 21:52:01] LC-Halite: You know how it is.
[17.01.2018 21:52:02] Megaera.: Well I can be too if you keep talking like that
[17.01.2018 21:52:10] Megaera.: You are rude
[17.01.2018 21:52:12] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Well then, Halite, Good to see your little "My Little Terrorist Cell" is a one-ship formation.
[17.01.2018 21:52:24] ZDV-Dragostea: H: What?
[17.01.2018 21:52:29] LC-Halite: I take offense at the implication that I'm a terrorist.
[17.01.2018 21:52:31] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Nothing, a joke.
[17.01.2018 21:52:40] ZDV-Dragostea: N: You are a terrorist, plain and simple.
[17.01.2018 21:52:49] Voncloud: Huh, a rogue didnt even realise
[17.01.2018 21:53:00] LC-Halite: And your Freeport plays host to Nomad infectees and thieves.
[17.01.2018 21:53:03] Megaera.: none ever notices me
[17.01.2018 21:53:16] LC-Halite: You're a little too deep in the moral morass to start beating up on my perceived moral failings.
[17.01.2018 21:53:36] LC-Halite: Did you know Harpy Squadron openly operates alongside Nomads?
[17.01.2018 21:53:38] Voncloud: of course you have proof of the Nomad infectees
[17.01.2018 21:53:39] LC-Halite: I have proof.
[17.01.2018 21:53:57] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Ohhh, yeah. Go **** your mother. I don't trust Lost Company. Why would I trust you?
[17.01.2018 21:54:03] Voncloud: We have proof of order doing the samer thing, whats your point?
[17.01.2018 21:54:19] LC-Halite: What's yours?
[17.01.2018 21:54:46] Voncloud: Point is, i can say it
[17.01.2018 21:54:52] Voncloud: but can you actually show it
[17.01.2018 21:55:03] Voncloud: I also have proof the kusari emperor is actually a penguin
[17.01.2018 21:55:05] LC-Halite: Considering what The Order's been pulling off lately.
[17.01.2018 21:55:44] Megaera.: Oh hello junker
[17.01.2018 21:55:52] Fantasy: hello
[17.01.2018 21:55:53] Arkania: Rachel: Greetings,Captain.
[17.01.2018 21:56:10] LC-Halite: When Conway and I agree to a duel, and we both go out to an isolated sector of space to settle our differences...
[17.01.2018 21:56:29] LC-Halite: He has been conversing with a Nomad right in front of me for the past few minutes, the Nomad leaves.
[17.01.2018 21:57:02] LC-Halite: Then, when we're about to settle our affairs, the Nomad comes out of nowhere and piles in, I kill it and SHROUD out.
[17.01.2018 21:57:21] LC-Halite: Yeah, I'm going to say "Harpy Squadron is in bed so deep with the Nomads the peaceful beloved wake up scratching at them"
[17.01.2018 21:58:14] LC-Halite: Also, they're dishonorable combatants, but you knew that already.
[17.01.2018 21:58:19] Voncloud: i trust your not intending to float around in the no firezone Arkania
[17.01.2018 21:58:38] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Keep talking to yourself, no one cares.
[17.01.2018 21:58:47] ZDV-Dragostea: N: You're terrorists, no Better than the Nomads.
[17.01.2018 21:58:50] Megaera.: Why are you hostile towards Arkania anyway?
[17.01.2018 21:59:05] LC-Halite: It's a big ship.
[17.01.2018 21:59:09] LC-Halite: And she has penis envy.
[17.01.2018 21:59:14] LC-Halite: Can you blame her, though?
[17.01.2018 21:59:15] Voncloud: Im not but the Arkania is technically a capital ship, and it breaks CoF laws
[17.01.2018 21:59:29] Voncloud: So it can't float around in the no fire zone
[17.01.2018 21:59:49] LC-Halite: But do the Laws of The Core not supersede Confederation laws here?
[17.01.2018 21:59:53] Voncloud: No
[17.01.2018 22:00:02] LC-Halite: Boo.
[17.01.2018 22:00:09] Voncloud: As per the Treaty signed between the CoF and the Core, the laws of Freeport 11 are CoF laws still
[17.01.2018 22:00:18] LC-Halite: Oh, right, paperwork.
[17.01.2018 22:00:27] Voncloud: To the point, where the Core will enforce the no Fire zone if we need them to
[17.01.2018 22:00:27] LC-Halite: Thank you for reminding me of the life I have left behind.
[17.01.2018 22:00:39] Megaera.: I do not care for laws. I care about common decency
[17.01.2018 22:01:03] Voncloud: Came to the wrong place for that
[17.01.2018 22:01:09] LC-Halite: Yeah.
[17.01.2018 22:01:16] LC-Halite: They're even more anal about laws here than they are in Liberty.
[17.01.2018 22:01:26] LC-Halite: But at least there are relatively fewer.
[17.01.2018 22:01:29] Voncloud: Trying to be Anal about laws in Liberty is a pain in the arse
[17.01.2018 22:01:44] LC-Halite: See, we can agree on things.
[17.01.2018 22:01:48] Voncloud: oddly enough theres more law enforcing here then back there
[17.01.2018 22:02:01] LC-Halite: Well, there they have an entire unsanctioned Maltese invasion force.
[17.01.2018 22:02:09] Megaera.: That is why I came here
[17.01.2018 22:02:24] LC-Halite: Technically, she is considered a civilian under the Laws of The Core.
[17.01.2018 22:02:25] Megaera.: Needs fixing
[17.01.2018 22:02:29] ZDV-Dragostea: H: LIBNAV is usually incompetent.
[17.01.2018 22:02:32] LC-Halite: I giggled a little when I did my research.
[17.01.2018 22:02:35] ZDV-Dragostea: H: Same with LPI.
[17.01.2018 22:02:38] LC-Halite: Hey, Sixth Fleet knows where it's at.
[17.01.2018 22:02:42] Voncloud: Your a small fish in a large Pone Meg
[17.01.2018 22:02:44] LC-Halite: Fifth Fleet is a complete joke.
[17.01.2018 22:02:54] Megaera.: I am the pond
[17.01.2018 22:02:55] Voncloud: what ever happened to fleets one through four?
[17.01.2018 22:02:59] Voncloud: *laughs*
[17.01.2018 22:03:07] LC-Halite: First Fleet is the big one.
[17.01.2018 22:03:15] Voncloud: Oh my, ive not laughed like that for a while, thank you megaera
[17.01.2018 22:03:15] LC-Halite: Third is hanging around somewhere.
[17.01.2018 22:03:22] ZDV-Dragostea: N: I've seen a few 3rd ships going around.
[17.01.2018 22:03:32] Megaera.: I like the zoners but you are just rude
[17.01.2018 22:03:34] LC-Halite: They have some pretty swell guys.
[17.01.2018 22:03:34] Voncloud: Which fleet was it we saw come through here form LNS?
[17.01.2018 22:03:41] ZDV-Dragostea: H: B... Garuda.
[17.01.2018 22:03:43] Voncloud: Im not rude, im blunt, honest, to the point
[17.01.2018 22:03:54] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Which reminds me - Sod off.
[17.01.2018 22:03:56] Voncloud: no reason to bubble wrap anything out here
[17.01.2018 22:04:01] LC-Halite: Actually, that goes for about everyone. No matter how actively stupid they are, there's at least one nice person.
[17.01.2018 22:04:04] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Halite.
[17.01.2018 22:04:15] Megaera.: Be glad I bubble wrap it.
[17.01.2018 22:04:21] LC-Halite: What, you want me to leave? What if I don't want to?
[17.01.2018 22:04:25] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: Why the hell did I pick up chatter suggesting one of our members are working with the K'Hara?
[17.01.2018 22:04:34] LC-Halite: Ask Conway.
[17.01.2018 22:04:41] Megaera.: oh, by the way
[17.01.2018 22:04:41] LC-Halite: Ask him about his little friend.
[17.01.2018 22:04:52] Megaera.: There is some order debris floating around in lost
[17.01.2018 22:04:59] Voncloud: Say what you wish Megaera, gets your more respect then not
[17.01.2018 22:05:01] Megaera.: clean it up please
[17.01.2018 22:05:04] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: Oh... "She busts into a Laughing fit"
[17.01.2018 22:05:15] Voncloud: Clean it up yourself
[17.01.2018 22:05:21] Megaera.: I already did
[17.01.2018 22:05:28] Megaera.: It was a much bigger thing
[17.01.2018 22:05:33] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: That little bug... Oh you have no idea what was happening huh?
[17.01.2018 22:05:46] LC-Halite: I saw enough.
[17.01.2018 22:05:50] Voncloud: yes im sure you took it out all on your lonesome too
[17.01.2018 22:06:02] Voncloud: The order are a joke at best
[17.01.2018 22:06:06] LC-Halite: I liked the part where he talked politely to it.
[17.01.2018 22:06:08] Voncloud: So dont expect any kudos for taking them out
[17.01.2018 22:06:14] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Elena, what the hell is this nutjob on about?
[17.01.2018 22:06:31] Megaera.: Nomak
[17.01.2018 22:06:39] Megaera.: hiii
[17.01.2018 22:06:40] (C~Jared.Nomak: My lady.
[17.01.2018 22:06:42] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: He's talking about the Mindcut Nomad that blasted Dev and itself.
[17.01.2018 22:07:06] Megaera.: These guys do not seem to appreciate my presence here
[17.01.2018 22:07:07] Voncloud: ooo you use the spatial!
[17.01.2018 22:07:10] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: By the way, how is Elroy?
[17.01.2018 22:07:18] (C~Jared.Nomak: Who exactly?
[17.01.2018 22:07:21] LC-Halite: I wouldn't know. I haven't talked to him lately.
[17.01.2018 22:07:24] Megaera.: The zoners
[17.01.2018 22:07:32] (C~Jared.Nomak: From the Freeport 11?
[17.01.2018 22:07:35] LC-Halite: We're kind of on bad terms, what with the ideological differences and the openly shooting at each other.
[17.01.2018 22:07:37] Megaera.: yea those
[17.01.2018 22:07:42] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Yes, Spatial is a good Fighter-Bomber solution.
[17.01.2018 22:07:47] (C~Jared.Nomak: I don't need to remind you fellows about me, having 10 NEMP warheads.
[17.01.2018 22:07:51] (C~Jared.Nomak: Behave.
[17.01.2018 22:07:59] Voncloud: *snorts*
[17.01.2018 22:08:00] (C~Jared.Nomak: You are in the company of a lady.
[17.01.2018 22:08:07] Voncloud: Come, use them
[17.01.2018 22:08:07] LC-Halite: At least three.
[17.01.2018 22:08:08] Voncloud: i dare you
[17.01.2018 22:08:10] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Two, matter of fact.
[17.01.2018 22:08:11] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: Multiple actually.
[17.01.2018 22:08:17] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Yes, Three.
[17.01.2018 22:08:19] (C~Jared.Nomak: You are no- one to dare me.
[17.01.2018 22:08:26] Voncloud: i am the Leader of the Confederation
[17.01.2018 22:08:30] Voncloud: i dare who i please
[17.01.2018 22:08:35] (C~Jared.Nomak: Who? *he burts of laughter*
[17.01.2018 22:08:39] Megaera.: *laughs*
[17.01.2018 22:08:41] LC-Halite: There's Meg, who needs no introduction, there's the dead woman walking, and there's some mercenary.
[17.01.2018 22:08:56] LC-Halite: Did I miss anyone?
[17.01.2018 22:09:04] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Go sodomize a Nomad, you piece of Rotting garbage.
[17.01.2018 22:09:09] Voncloud: you are aware of the Confederation of Freeports yes, the organisation that h-
[17.01.2018 22:09:10] (C~Jared.Nomak: You Zoners are troublesome kind.
[17.01.2018 22:09:14] Voncloud: got something on the scanner
[17.01.2018 22:09:20] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: Nomads!
[17.01.2018 22:09:22] LC-Halite: Ooh, action.
[17.01.2018 22:09:22] ZDV-Dragostea: H: Contact, K'hara Penetrating the NFZ!
[17.01.2018 22:09:28] Voncloud: Giggidy
[17.01.2018 22:09:33] Voncloud: now..serious face
[17.01.2018 22:09:33] LC-Halite: It's the peaceful beloved.
[17.01.2018 22:09:35] LC-Halite: Good times.
[17.01.2018 22:09:45] LC-Halite: Whoa.
[17.01.2018 22:09:51] LC-Halite: Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?
[17.01.2018 22:09:52] ZDV-Dragostea: N: All ships, Commit!
[17.01.2018 22:10:04] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: Egaging Alien Threat!
[17.01.2018 22:10:05] (C~Jared.Nomak: Alright then.
[17.01.2018 22:10:10] (C~Jared.Nomak: Opening fire.
[17.01.2018 22:10:14] LC-Halite: On who?
[17.01.2018 22:10:24] LC-Halite: Hey Commune, two million for assistance?
[17.01.2018 22:10:31] (C~Jared.Nomak: No.
[17.01.2018 22:10:35] LC-Halite: Drat.
[17.01.2018 22:11:56] Voncloud: ahh fireing at me
[17.01.2018 22:11:56] Death: Voncloud was put out of action by (C~Jared.Nomak (Gun).
[17.01.2018 22:11:59] (C~Jared.Nomak: Good bye.
[17.01.2018 22:12:11] (C~Jared.Nomak: You are disgrace. Not leader.
[17.01.2018 22:12:24] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Kill that degenerate!
[17.01.2018 22:12:30] LC-Halite: This is disgusting.
[17.01.2018 22:12:32] Harpy-"Garuda": Elena: VONCLOUD!
[17.01.2018 22:12:33] (C~Jared.Nomak: Who ever touches that Nomad.
[17.01.2018 22:12:38] (C~Jared.Nomak: Will feel my wraith.
[17.01.2018 22:12:43] LC-Halite: Spooky.
[17.01.2018 22:13:08] (C~Jared.Nomak: Come...
[17.01.2018 22:13:10] (C~Jared.Nomak: Follow me...
[17.01.2018 22:13:15] LC-Halite: No.
[17.01.2018 22:13:17] Death: Harpy-"Garuda" was put out of action by Rah'kshi (Gun).
[17.01.2018 22:13:27] LC-Halite: This is amazing.
[17.01.2018 22:13:29] (C~Jared.Nomak: Now the big one?
[17.01.2018 22:13:30] ZDV-Dragostea: H: Elena!
[17.01.2018 22:13:35] Rah'kshi: *agression*
[17.01.2018 22:13:36] (C~Jared.Nomak: Let's get on it.
[17.01.2018 22:13:49] LC-Halite: This is how the Zoners carry themselves?
[17.01.2018 22:13:51] LC-Halite: Pathetic.
[17.01.2018 22:13:53] Megaera.: You know. I told you not to insult me. Now you are all going to die
[17.01.2018 22:13:54] (C~Jared.Nomak: Release anger.
[17.01.2018 22:13:56] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Shut up and shoot.
[17.01.2018 22:14:02] LC-Halite: Who, me?
[17.01.2018 22:14:09] Megaera.: No them
[17.01.2018 22:14:16] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Tractoring her in.
[17.01.2018 22:14:19] (C~Jared.Nomak: Pirate.
[17.01.2018 22:14:26] LC-Halite: Yo.
[17.01.2018 22:14:29] (C~Jared.Nomak: I advise you to stay out.
[17.01.2018 22:14:34] LC-Halite: I haven't done a thing.
[17.01.2018 22:14:38] LC-Halite: I'm not doing anything.
[17.01.2018 22:14:39] ZDV-Dragostea: Meg. Help us out, will ya?
[17.01.2018 22:14:40] (C~Jared.Nomak: You might end up like those two.
[17.01.2018 22:14:50] LC-Halite: Hey, I came in to back you up, but you said no.
[17.01.2018 22:14:56] Megaera.: Nomak. Halite is good folk
[17.01.2018 22:15:02] Rah'kshi: *agresssion*
[17.01.2018 22:15:04] (C~Jared.Nomak: Alright.
[17.01.2018 22:15:04] Rah'kshi: *anger*
[17.01.2018 22:15:06] LC-Halite: Your approval fills me with shame.
[17.01.2018 22:15:16] Megaera.: Deal with it
[17.01.2018 22:15:24] LC-Halite: What's the point of acting evil if people will still say nice things about you?
[17.01.2018 22:15:34] ZDV-Dragostea: N: The Commune are a Joke.
[17.01.2018 22:15:55] LC-Halite: Want some Nova-related support?
[17.01.2018 22:15:59] Megaera.: Ok, you are a good evil person
[17.01.2018 22:16:05] LC-Halite: I'll take that.
[17.01.2018 22:16:06] Megaera.: At least you have manners
[17.01.2018 22:16:31] (C~Jared.Nomak: You need new gunners.
[17.01.2018 22:16:41] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Our gunner's out to lunch.
[17.01.2018 22:16:42] (C~Jared.Nomak: These are disgrace. Like their fallen brothers.
[17.01.2018 22:16:43] LC-Halite: You mean she needs an entirely new ship.
[17.01.2018 22:16:52] LC-Halite: They have no fire discipline to speak of.
[17.01.2018 22:16:56] LC-Halite: It's disgraceful.
[17.01.2018 22:17:19] LC-Halite: Hell, there are Fifth Fleet capital ships with higher quality crews.
[17.01.2018 22:17:26] {CoF}-The.Ashira: Brettonias: I see we have trouble.
[17.01.2018 22:17:40] {CoF}-The.Ashira: Brettonias: Switching to secondaries.
[17.01.2018 22:17:50] LC-Halite: I'm right here, Nomak.
[17.01.2018 22:17:53] {CoF}-The.Ashira: Bretonias: Moving in.
[17.01.2018 22:17:53] LC-Halite: Say the word.
[17.01.2018 22:17:55] Megaera.: You know... I came here for fun and so far I have brought death and destruction
[17.01.2018 22:18:07] Megaera.: I should come here more often
[17.01.2018 22:18:22] ZDV-Dragostea: H: Nerva-kun!
[17.01.2018 22:18:22] Megaera.: Canaan uncloaking
[17.01.2018 22:18:32] LC-Halite: You missed Harpy taking it up the ass.
[17.01.2018 22:18:42] Canaan|Unity: Nerva: What the...
[17.01.2018 22:18:51] (C~Jared.Nomak: ok
[17.01.2018 22:18:59] Megaera.: Oh hi Nerva
[17.01.2018 22:19:06] Megaera.: Sorry about this
[17.01.2018 22:19:17] Canaan|Unity: Nerva: hey there. Nomads?
[17.01.2018 22:19:27] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Yes, Give us a hand.
[17.01.2018 22:19:55] (C~Jared.Nomak: These fools can't even drop my shields.
[17.01.2018 22:19:59] LC-Halite: I know.
[17.01.2018 22:20:06] LC-Halite: But without that Adad, you really couldn't either.
[17.01.2018 22:20:13] Canaan|Unity: Nerva: So we have a cloaked one?
[17.01.2018 22:20:29] ZDV-Dragostea: N: DO me a favor and End Nomak's miserable existance for me.
[17.01.2018 22:20:35] (C~Jared.Nomak: Don't be funny. This is Sabre.
[17.01.2018 22:20:40] (C~Jared.Nomak: Seven cannons only.
[17.01.2018 22:21:29] (C~Jared.Nomak: We did enough.
[17.01.2018 22:21:36] (C~Jared.Nomak: Move out.
[17.01.2018 22:21:45] LC-Halite: That's it? You're just going to pack up and leave after everything?
[17.01.2018 22:21:47] LC-Halite: Huh.
[17.01.2018 22:21:47] (C~Jared.Nomak: Learn some manners, Zoners.
[17.01.2018 22:21:50] ZDV-Dragostea: N: NO, it's more like you brought Light snubs to a Capfight.
[17.01.2018 22:21:54] (C~Jared.Nomak: Or this will be nothing compared to what I will do.
[17.01.2018 22:22:05] Rah'kshi: *zoners* are a ~Joke +
[17.01.2018 22:22:05] LC-Halite: To be fair, it was one cap, then they multiplied.
[17.01.2018 22:22:16] (C~Jared.Nomak: *he laughs*
[17.01.2018 22:22:20] Rah'kshi: *zoners* existence is ~nonsense~
[17.01.2018 22:22:21] ZDV-Dragostea: N: To quote Bride, Ours, think, yours, are, pathetic.
[17.01.2018 22:22:31] ZDV-Dragostea: N: Just as much as you do us, really.
[17.01.2018 22:22:32] (C~Jared.Nomak: You only have strong words.
[17.01.2018 22:22:33] Rah'kshi: *zoners* need three capitals
[17.01.2018 22:22:35] LC-Halite: You guys really like to treat your colony vessels like they're warships, don't you.
[17.01.2018 22:22:37] Canaan|Unity: Nerva: Hey there, Meg
[17.01.2018 22:22:42] Megaera.: Hi
[17.01.2018 22:22:46] ZDV-Dragostea: N:
[17.01.2018 22:23:04] Canaan|Unity: Nerva: What happen here? *laughs*