1 Bored with it a lot of times, try to log in and end up sitting in space doing absolutely nothing.
2 Pretty much 98% of the friends i had have quit playing the game since 2015
3 No desire to be in any official factions due to what someone mentioned earlier (Oorp hate, being in one tends to get you ganked or harrassed by other faction members. Boring flying by myself so this leads back to 1)
4 Removed or nerfed ship and or equipment, seems like most codenames, and guns got a nerf to the point of might as well just run with no guns and let others shoot you and get it over with.
5 Spend most of my time with friends I have made in other games, usually in Fallen Earth. Sometimes Fallout New Vegas (It seems to have the best social aspect compared to most online gaming anymore, since it seems like ALL online gaming is full of trolls and hatred for others. Yea it is a sad world we live in)
6 Cause bring back 4.84!!! or at least 4.85/86. Just to me it seems like since 4.87 everything went downhill and the population dropped farther and farther.