(01-22-2018, 03:59 PM)Vendetta Wrote: My motivation died out when certain parties were going out of their way to do everything in their power to destroy the last thing I was invested in, rid the community of myself and my friends, and deny us/shut down everything we tried to accomplish. They took it so far as to rip away things we needed to survive.
One of the reasons I'm here now is because they're gone, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let years of hard work and dedication go to waste because of it. I'm struggling to convince people who suffered through the same proverbial ***** to return to the community.
Have to agree, some of the most terrible things about this game is the fact that so many seem to only enjoy going out of the way to destroy anything and everything they do not like, agree with, or understand. Guess it is just human nature for so many to be destructive. Read through so many forum posts over the years, where many things that have killed the community is the community it's self. When i got fed up with things back in 2015 and deleted my assets, well i kept an eye on the forums just to see if anything had improved. Well for the most part that has been a no. Even watched many of the hateful troll like or destructive members who used to work together to make others have a bad day, well once the population dropped they seem to start going after each other too. I seen it coming and was one of the reasons many have left. Seen so many players harassed to the point of leaving the game, either a faction others did not like, player bases that some tried to build many times but always ended up destroyed cause of mainly some members of the community did not like them and enjoyed doing anything they could do destroy what they were trying to do. So in turn they cause the player to give up, uninstall and go find something else to play. I have heard many excuses over the years of why the game is dying, people just move on, or "it is this XXX time of the year and people are busy/vacation/have no time" Which yes sometimes some of the time it was true for a few people. But in my opinion the major part of why many people do not play was the community it's self. I am sure more will argue that it is something else, but i know of at least 40 people who have quit the game for good just cause they got tired of the drama, and other crap. Yea i heard a lot of "Oh they are just too sensitive, or need to practice" Or the typical trollish responses of "Get gud" "It's a pvp server". Well I myself used to enjoy some pvp, but was not the only reason i logged in like so many left seem to only want. I enjoyed the traded and exporing with friends, loved the fact that 4 of us banded together and built The Junkyard. Which was no easy task being junkers and seemingly one of the most hated factions in the game. No was not congress when we built it, so it was not a congress hate. Many for some reason hated some factions to the point it seemed oorp, and not an rp thing. Example i have seen so many #REMOVEZONERS #REMOVEJUNKERS, and so many other hateful comments on different aspects of this game. POBs for example, many have hated player bases (Which is something that many players loved about this game, was making their own base and guess what it takes hauling stuff to build!), wanted them removed from the game completely, blame lag they had for pvp on bases in game etc. Well i never had an issue with lag myself, and yea too many have this "I am better than you cause i am awesome at pvp attitude" compared to the true Rp part of the community. And traders with all the years of stupid higher demands from pirates, or the "roleplay" of being a complete jerk that we all know is just to try and anger another player to get them to fight and lose. But they give the excuse of "That is my character's RP" Well there is a fine line in that, yea a pirate does not need to be nice and i am not saying they do. But some people push the limits of being a "jerk pirate" to the limits they can without being sanctioned. Anyways i have said my piece, just how i see things of why some of the community i know have given up on this wonderful game. I could be wrong on some points, but i do feel the ones who get enjoyment out of making a bad day for others are a large part to blame of why many no longer have the desire to log in anymore.