For the last few days I have been flying in the Tau sectors nearby the Omicron systems. I have been patrolling and looking for Loyola in this system that Light has left to rot in the hands of IMG. Since I arrived, I have pirated some transports. Unfortunately, I have no information about Loyola. Here is my patrol journal, brothers:
Day 1
It’s the first day of my patrol. I have just come to Tau and I already hate this system. After getting myself a room on Cali base I have set of for my first patrol. After 4 hours of flying around Tau 23 I have seen only one ship. That one ship appeared to be a Gateway Shipping vessel. The name of the ship captain was Phil Walcott. He happily paid me 5 million Sirius Credits and continued his journey with his ship undamaged.
Another day has begun and the food on Cali base sucks. It's a good thing I grabbed some Synthetic Marijuana on my way from Barrier Gate. Today when I started my patrol it seemed weird. Space wasn't so empty. Starting my patrol, I saw Diamond. We flew to Coronado and searched every system on our way. Upon arrival in Coronado we noticed a vessel. It was one of our Assassin operatives. Together, we took a flight to Barrier Gate. By our way we came across an unknown installation. The installation was not hostile but we didn't have time to sit around. Soon after, assassin received a signal for help, from one of our old Maltese friends. We jumped into California, helping our friend. After a quick talk we noticed two Liberty Dreadnoughts. Soon after the first one was blown to pieces we took care of the second one. After that Commune fleet watched a fight between an Aoi operative and a Gaian. I suddenly got tired and took a flight to Alcatraz when I spent the night.
The third day has come and I woke up on a Rogue base in California system. I couldn't be there for much longer, I was too far from my mission objective. I jumped into my Sabre and flew to Tau 23. I came back to my room and settled down. I took another flight and disrupted a transport vessel. The vessel carried quite a valuable cargo. He was worth my time and gave me 2.5 million credits. I had a headache from so much travel and Marijuana so I returned to Cali and so my patrol ended for the day.