My three day mission has finally come to an end. Space has been... interesting, to say the least. The further I dig, the deeper the mysteries seem to be. To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of the information I've received. My journey has been long, and lacking in sleep. I could use some of the gin I was gifted, I miss my days of drinking.
I've organized my thoughts for you, brothers. I will speak to inform you, with a bifurcation by day. I trust you will all find this as interesting as I.
Day One
I had planned on delaying the start to my mission. For personal reasons, I wanted to take a trip to the Reactor. This trip didn't turn out to be as peaceful as I had hoped.
I had very little time to myself before the one called "Kessereya" arrived. Of course, we've spoken with this one before - she is the exiled one. But this time seemed different. I quickly noticed that she was with a pilot she had told us about prior, Megaera. I don't think it would be a stretch to say that Kessereya is somewhat... obsessed with her.
Kessereya's tone was immediately aggressive. She said she wanted to speak with Nomak. Of course, I knew our leader was busy, so I offered to deliver a message. This would not suffice for the exiled, however, so I called upon our leader.
With Nomak's arrival, the exiled immediately began asking him about an agreement we had, angrily at that. But this is where things got weird... apparently this Megaera had informed the exiled that we were sent to spy on her. Throughout our first conversation, we gained no information, at all.
We initially decided to give up the pursuit; however, Nomak decided to go back, so I followed. This led to an even worse situation, in which Megaera decided to try and defend herself by cowering behind other captains. Fortunately, they were not particularly interested in the conflict. Doing away with the rest of the drama, it appears that the exiled still believed we were spies, so we left.
I made my way to a nearby base, and slept for about two hours. There was much work to be done.
It's clear to me that our leader is no longer fond of Megaera. Yet, I'm not so quick to anger, for me only time will tell.
The second day of my mission was longer, but potentially more fruitful.
I began by taking a trip deeper into the playground of The Light. I figured it was time I introduce myself. I met with two of the ones classified as Vagrants, and was welcomed kindly. There isn't much to report here.
After leaving the presence of the light, I reported back to our leader. He was interested in going back to inform the light of our interactions with Kessereya. It is clear that they are as confused as we are regarding her behavior, and the allegations. Our conversation on the matter was brief, for the moment. Nomak was tired from the drink, so he departed, requesting that I stay in the company of The Light.
The Light was set on bringing about destruction as a means to purify Sirius, so we were off. However, Sirius seemed empty. The closest we came to our objective was a couple of capitol ships. As infuriating as it was, we were forced to stand down. The darkness was too strong for us to handle, and we moved out of the system.
Once we were safe, we spent a long time communicating. I brought up my concerns regarding our technology, and it appears that the Vagrants share my thinking. This is something I will have to speak with my lord about. For now, I will leave it be.
After speaking for a while, we came across the exiled. I spent quite a bit of time speaking with her, and thought I had brokered peace between her and Nomak. However, after speaking with Nomak, I don't think he is very interested. I suppose my next journey will be to inform her of the decision.
After another night of no sleep, I decided I would do a bit of exploring. I've been gone for a long time, and I need to see if I can find some old friends, and get to know what has happened in my absence.
I began a journey to the Taus to search for Loyola, deciding to go through Kusari - I haven't been there in ages, and I figured I might learn something. Luck was on my side, because I came across a pilot flying for an organization called "The Blood Dragons". I must be honest with all of you, I rather liked the organization.
My first concern was ensuring that I was not offending them by passing through the system. I have been assured that we will be able to pass through the system so long as:
We do not sell cardamine in Kusari; and,
If we decide to sell weapons, we supply them only to the Blood Dragons.
I was also able to ask them about Loyola; however, they don't seem to have any information. They did say that if they received any credible information, they would reach out.
As I departed, they gifted me with quality gin. They are truly gracious hosts, and I have a deep respect for them. I hope to see a stronger relationship established there.
After the interaction, I was too tired to continue my journey, and the temptation to open the gin was too strong. I've made a promise that I will not break. I've moved back in the Omicrons, where I will rest a few days.