There is much to address. I will first reply to the work of our brethren, then I have an update of my own.
Diamond, per usual, your work exceeds expectations. As you know, our leader is busy at the moment, I will be speaking with him about your exemplary performance. Know that it does not go unnoticed. Per usual, you will be compensated for your expenses.
Altair, I’m glad to have you in the light of the Silver Sun. I’ve spoken with our leader, and again, he is pleased. Expect five million credits as a reward. I will be speaking with you soon about our next operation. For now, stay stationed in the Omicrons.
To the next matter... I’ve gathered the pilots for the ones called the Vagrants. The humans have been transferred to the transport, as requested. I will project my recollection of events, later.
Abran Cortez
Spectre in The Silver Sun
My work will forever be for the brightest star in all of the Universe
For you, I remain strong