Today I interacted with a strange Coalition currier transport in Manchester carrying very strange stuff in his cargo.It would be very valuable to us but due to combat I was already in I was only able to take an evidence of the ship.However I was contacted by a guy from the same ship.I tried to make sence to the one and asked to buy the deliric nomad artiact ,even though I was planing to kill him and take his cargo without paying or leaving any evidence of his death behind.However I failed he did escape but I have made him speak using communicational net.What he spoke is yet unclear but surely person with such cargo and claims are something we cannot remain blind to.This guy's name is Kramer. Ship callsign is The.Obsession.He passed Manchester and went towards Magellan.Also this person claim to know what Commune is.He wasn't mentioning the details about our organisaton exept mocking us for what we worship.It was more then enough to keep him away from my so called "fer" offer .He refused to cooperate even though I said I will accept his terms in paying the price ,but not before getting the artifact.Senor Kamer decided it is time to disappear from the channel.I hope I provided useful information since we certainly dont want anonymous people hanging around with such valuable nomad artifacts even Wild prisioners.Who he works for is unknown he claimed to use Coalition as currier transport.Whatever he has on his mind ,after refusing to trade with us, may resault in negative towards our glorious organisation.Here you can see audio evidence
[18.02.2018 02:46:35] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: With evidence you provided me ,you have no future here Coalition one.With cargo like that.
[18.02.2018 02:47:05] My.Obsession: ???: I do not plan to stay here long Outcast.
[18.02.2018 02:47:06] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: We are not most respectable while it comes to Houses and their laws ,but this one will be really interesting to report {bluf
[18.02.2018 02:47:30] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Give me the nomad artifact and you will have no problems with any of those who would pay much for evidence you provided
[18.02.2018 02:47:47] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: We are not ones you usually meet ,so I suggest you cooperate, we are both enemies of Liberty after all.
[18.02.2018 02:48:28] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: I will be waiting for your replay at Coronado jumphole.If you give me the nomad artifact I will let you slip trough
[18.02.2018 02:48:28] My.Obsession: ???: The buyer of this artifact is offering oh so much more my friend, what the Commisariat does not know, will not hurt it.
[18.02.2018 02:48:31] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Liberty security
[18.02.2018 02:48:46] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: I will pay for the artifact!
[18.02.2018 02:48:58] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: They cannot pay more then we can .
[18.02.2018 02:50:02] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Fair enough Raiders will hear of this .We unlike those who rule Malta are not savages but if you leave us no choise .
[18.02.2018 02:50:10] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: WE must take what we need for our own survival.
[18.02.2018 02:50:17] My.Obsession: *A secure feed different from the voice of the transmitting ship from buzzes into your comm feed, do you accept (Y/N)*
[18.02.2018 02:50:30] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: We better not meet in sky pilot.I tried to be nice to you.
[18.02.2018 02:50:37] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: //ooRP or inRP?
[18.02.2018 02:50:45] My.Obsession: //Inrp
[18.02.2018 02:50:58] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Accept what?
[18.02.2018 02:51:07] My.Obsession: Kramer: Oh so you can here me.
[18.02.2018 02:51:26] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Do you know who we are ? You probably dont .
[18.02.2018 02:51:50] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: We can help you but we can make you regret taking that cargo . Our friends would not like Coalition wondering around
[18.02.2018 02:51:55] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Liberty space with such stuff.
[18.02.2018 02:51:56] My.Obsession: Kramer: My courier informed me you were from the Commune, a little out of your reach for your worshipping areas Outcast.
[18.02.2018 02:52:38] My.Obsession: Kramer: I am not concerned with Liberty.
[18.02.2018 02:52:42] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You do realize that if i pass this evidence to Raiders they will come . And when they do Sammerians do not leave traces or
[18.02.2018 02:52:44] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: evidence.
[18.02.2018 02:53:07] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: I am concerned in nomad technology ,tell me where are you taking this? To Auxesia ? Order?
[18.02.2018 02:53:34] My.Obsession: Kramer: My courier that you just spoke to is deliverrring it to me.
[18.02.2018 02:53:37] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: I am trying to be most kind and negotiable ,I always think that problem can be solved wth both sides being happy.
[18.02.2018 02:53:55] My.Obsession: Kramer: I'm listening.
[18.02.2018 02:53:59] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: And you are ? Who do you work for and why are you refusing to trade with me?
[18.02.2018 02:54:29] My.Obsession: Kramer: I haven't even laid out my terms yet and you are saying I refuse to barter with you?
[18.02.2018 02:54:54] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: There has been a disruption in communication net . Can you resend your terms?
[18.02.2018 02:55:25] My.Obsession: Kramer: My name is Kramer Wallace, who I am affiliated is unimportant as of this moment. I have a vested interest in acquiring
[18.02.2018 02:55:41] My.Obsession: that artifact.
[18.02.2018 02:55:58] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: So you refuse to sell it to the Commune ?
[18.02.2018 02:56:15] My.Obsession: Kramer: I guess I could let one go, what is your offer?
[18.02.2018 02:56:55] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Well you give me that thing and I pay you an amount of credits if that is what you desire?
[18.02.2018 02:57:19] My.Obsession: Kramer: So I may state my desired price is that it?
[18.02.2018 02:57:30] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Go ahead
[18.02.2018 02:58:08] My.Obsession: Kramer: I will relinquesh this useless paperweight for thirty million credits, wired to my courier's account.
[18.02.2018 02:58:27] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Claro que si.Moment I get to see the item
[18.02.2018 02:59:03] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: I am at Coronado jumphole .
[18.02.2018 02:59:09] My.Obsession: Kramer: You think I am foolish. The moment I dispatch my courier with the cargo in hand to the meeting point you kill him at
[18.02.2018 02:59:20] My.Obsession: blank range.
[18.02.2018 02:59:21] Tip: To interact with other players, open up your Chat Window (default button Y). The default chat type for all players is LOCAL and will be visible to all players currently on your scanner. You can privately message another player by selecting their name in the Chat Window.
[18.02.2018 02:59:37] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You do realize you are in the file already. All i need to do is notify the overlord of you and hunt is on.
[18.02.2018 02:59:55] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: I am trying to save Commune of trouble in dealing with individuals and lets say this works out in your favour .
[18.02.2018 03:00:09] My.Obsession: Kramer: The lives of these idiots are expendable, and I have considerable resources of my own my friend.
[18.02.2018 03:00:31] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You have given me more then enough
[18.02.2018 03:00:31] My.Obsession: Kramer: But we can be cordial with this.
[18.02.2018 03:00:53] My.Obsession: Kramer: Give me the credits and the artifact is yours.
[18.02.2018 03:01:10] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: Yes I will get pirated by a communist ,sure.
[18.02.2018 03:01:12] My.Obsession: Kramer: I am a man of my word after all.
[18.02.2018 03:01:20] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You will take the money only when I recive the cargo.
[18.02.2018 03:01:39] My.Obsession: Kramer: That courier is Coalition, I am not.
[18.02.2018 03:01:47] ERR Invalid parameters
[18.02.2018 03:01:47] Usage: /reply <message> or /r ...
[18.02.2018 03:01:53] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You have given me your name.
[18.02.2018 03:02:01] My.Obsession: Kramer: I expect you to remember it.
[18.02.2018 03:02:17] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You will remember my gentle offer in time .
[18.02.2018 03:02:34] My.Obsession: Kramer: I doubt I will even deign to remember this conversation.
[18.02.2018 03:02:53] (C~Fernando.Gonzalez: You wont and that will be your biggest mistake.
[18.02.2018 03:03:22] My.Obsession: Kramer: Farewell Outcast, I hope you find hollow gestures in your praises to those Nomad gods of yours.[18.02.2018 03:03:38] My.Obsession: *The Feed is cut*