Sender Ident:Nesrin Khan, callsign 'Atar'. Independent pilot, mercenary, BAF veteran.
Sender Source:....
• Your name and surname: Nesrin E.E. Khan.
• Age: Forty Seven.
• Region, House or Location of Origin: The Commonwealth of Bretonia, Cambridge System, Planet Cambridge, Megacity of Norwich, East Anglia municipal zone.
• Any useful experience and qualifications: A complicated question. A history recount might help.
I severed for two years after passing with distinction through Salisbury military academy in the Omega Three Sprague patrol area shortly before the Nomad War. Through the war I served on cap duty escorting refugees through Magellan and hunting Rheinland Fleet elements in the Taus. Five kills to my name. Handed in my wings postwar, enrolled in academia, wrestled with recovery.
Enrolled on a cushy merc’ posting on a Zoner outbound flight, flying long range escort pickets for the carrier. Served with distinction. Vessel destroyed by Gammukind alien assailants in low orbit of Pygar, deep within the nomad worlds, Experienced near biological death from sand laceration on Pygar’s surface before being nanoempathically bonded with the crippled drone, who used my nervous system to repair its own. We’ve been physically symbiotic ever since, despite attempts at removal. Recovered by the Core-turned-Auxesians which lead to a year and a half of service under Auxo’s flag. Left the movement due to disagreements over being a transhumanists guinea-pig. Walked the Earth. Currently resident in New York but I can have my kit-bag packed before you can salute the flag.
To distil that; considerable pragmatic tactical with a diverse range of exo-atmospheric xoological and technological entities including intimate functional familiarity like no-one else you’ve seen.
• Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces:
To protect my queen, my country, to stop running and to have a cause to die for once more. To be human again. Beyond that, I have a family here. I’m not going to let a little thing like an interspecies agenda prevent me from protecting my home. You need every vet you can field, regardless of circumstance. No fucking Gaul with an ancestral revenge fantasy is going to take that from me. I’m taking a major personal risk exposing myself to my government once more – it’s what’s kept me from a homecoming for years. Perhaps I can move beyond my own bodyhorror under the uniform that once made me, me. A chance to serve anew. Call me Gaheris; I have a right arm to heave-ho.
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.- Carina, Regina, Imperatrix. It’s gonna’ stay that way, too.
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian, unless she died on the front.
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
H.M.S. Pendragon, if my records are right. They might not be accurate. I've been out-of-house a long time.
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.-
The Sainted Arse of Charles himself and all his merry musketeers, the Mollys, misguided enough to take a pickaxe to a brainstem, The Gaian ecoterrorists, Death itself.
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be?
I don’t add mass to fighters, or identifiers. Demoralises your wingman if you go down. Paint is weight. Caulk your vessel with the char of the enemy. You don’t go into battle like you’re on parade.
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10?. ~ Solid 10.
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10?. ~ Eh, 5?
What is your Skype address?. duncan.lawrey - use discord, yo'
Have you ever been sanctioned? Surprisingly, no.
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?. I'm known to be a hothead about times where I think people are gameing mechanics or being poor sports for people I'm in charge of. When not in a leadership role I'm fairly content.
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces? Always wanted to try it, seems like a logical expansion for my current character, you guys look wonderfully fun.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not. got 3 SRP ships waiting for a tag.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)