(03-07-2018, 08:15 PM)Shadow5x Wrote: ==================== Type: Ship Stats / Equipment Bug: Hurricane Battlecruiser nanobots bugged and missing shield ====================
I can't buy nanobots, it says I have 0 but I was full, also my shield went missing https://imgur.com/N38CETn https://imgur.com/0Ycjkhw https://imgur.com/6yhqDxA Not a bug, Battlecruisers and Battleships can't use nanobots since last year's patches. -eigos
==================== Type: Effects (?) Bug: Colonial restart command is not working ====================
Not sure if it's a bug but since it is in the restart commands guide... https://imgur.com/20M59aM Not a bug, the correct command is /restart fcCrayter. -Ghostazarashi
Wow I feel real dumb now lol, but I took this screenshot last week when I bought the ship and had nanos and shield, I guess todays patch corrected that, that's why I was scared ahah time to buy a shield... and some weapons too. https://imgur.com/c4TFNqQ