While I've been here for almost 4 month I still don't have a good overall picture of the ships and their sizes and capabilities. So to help me and others wondering about the same thing I'd like you, the senior members here, to post a rough estimate what is needed minimum (for a medium pilot) force to take down a ship of this particular class. All mixed fleet combos can be listed. This kind of list is helpful in a sense to make the fight or run decisions quickly.
I omit fighters since all fighters (except vanilla light/medium fighters) can take down a fighter. Also please assume that ship is packing absolutely the best shields and armor up-grades money can buy. And if there are any ships that defy the classification system please state them. Btw. I still don't know which one is bigger. A battlecruiser or a battleship, so a "pecking" order clarification is amuch appreciated and also what the difference between some battlestar and battleship? Very confusing.