All done. Big thanks to @Nodoka Hanamura for lending me her private server, and a few friends to go through and power through different scenarios to see if it could be broken. A few bugfixes later, I'm happy with the finished product.
I'm not going to stamp a 100% bug-free guarantee on it, although anything problems blatantly obvious, or things which are easily discovered through 2-3 hours of testing with a few ships, have been nuked from high orbit and have been patched. Really, if there's any issues left, the easiest way to find them is merely to let you folks (the community) at it for 5-6 days. I'm sure any remaining problems will be brought up. (It's easier to fix bugs, if you know what they are.)
A pull request will be made tomorrow after I remove some hardcoded debug lines.
Generally I'm simply waiting for the Administration team to get back to me. Soon™
For the base model. Nothing new here.
Players can dock on ships with mounted docking modules. (Up to the number of modules equipped. Carrier has 2 modules? 2 can dock.
Carrier can /jettisonship to force docked users to space
Carrier can use /listdocked to display who all is currently docked
If a carrier is docked, any nested ships while undocking, automatically land at the carriers current landing point.
If a carrier is blown up, all nested ships automatically are forced into space. (Flee, little snubs!)
If a carrier or docked ship disconnect, the information the plugin requires to manage them is automatically saved to a file. This file is then read, loaded back in, and deleted once the same character reconnects. (I can't promise plugin state data will be written through server crashes. Something to look into soonish.)
If something REALLY goes wrong, and the plugin screws up where a docked ship should be placed when leaving the carrier, it teleports the ship to it's last known base outside of the carrier. (This shouldn't happen, but is merely a fail safe it is does for some reason)