For starters, there's a huge amount of Corporations/Governments that are bankrolling us or supplying us to help us with our operations. We also tout our own logistical division that can freely move supplies in and out of the Edge Worlds (unlike our enemies). There's also Iridium and Alien technology that we sell, two economic areas in which we have a sizeable/total monopoly in. We're rich.
Our levels of immigration would be relatively higher than that of other powers in the Edge Worlds because we're treated as a lawful state-like entity by the greater Sirian populace. The Core/Omicronis is advertised as a place where you can both strike it rich and start a new life. We also import criminals and slaves that no one wants and put them to work for our war machine, as well as enslaving POWs. There's also ROBOTS (but I don't think we need to go there). I would also honestly consider that Core and Order shipbuilding is at a level where they minimise the required number of Crew for a functioning battleship.
Next, going more into oorp/gameplay territory here, we're up against several enemies (most times all at once) that have access to heavy battleships either through their own shipline or through other factions. We're the only faction in the Edge Worlds (and one of the only in the entire mod within our ZoI) that can neither field a Heavy Battleship ourselves (Order indies can use Nephs at 90% lul), nor do we have any allies that can field Heavy Battleships for us in our ZoI (aside from RM and BAF in O-3, Omega-5, Omega-7 and Omega-55 - which is a tiny fraction of our ZoI). This leaves us at a huge disadvantage, especially in multi-faction engagements which happens all the time; no one is hostile to anyone in the Omicrons except Core and Nomads, it's a fact, regardless of what diplomacy may say. Like, you'll have Outcasts, Corsairs, AI, Coalition and Order all having a nice picnic with each other in Delta, and as soon as a Core ship (official or indie) logs on they all jump on it together hand in hand. After the engagement they go back to having their picnic.
There's also the fact that we are a faction that prides itself on advanced technology RP. What's the point in such RP if we can't actually work towards obtaining anything. The Megalodon was going to be a product of that roleplay. Heck, I was actually planning on request an event to RP it's creation (the conversion of the Battleship Jupiter into the first Megalodon) - a buffed inter-region Iridium route for traders that would spike activity up. It feels like we've just suddenly had this big, superficial lock wedged onto us and now we're drastically limited in what we can do.
The Mako is also not effective at farming. Successful farming requires in a light battleship requires large-scale, difficult operations, meanwhile many factions can (hypothetically) do it solo, which in turn the farming-centric faction actually the worst at it. And whilst this isn't necessarily a major pain for Core|, it's a big turn off for indies, who in turn end up farming with Zoner/Order Nephs instead because it's just more effective. It's stupid.
The Core is having a big indie drain. The Megalodon was at least one of our last hopes in reviving our indie base and drawing people to the faction with some fresh new content, as well as it being easier to use than the Mako. Other factions either have or are due to obtain new content for themselves. And at most we've been stuck with a cloned, fairly poor looking shipline for over a year with no one in sight that wants to even attempt making models. The one item in which we had people interested in creating models for us was the Megalodon. Now that, as well as the efforts and hopes of the players involved, has gone down the drain, and it's hurting the faction negatively still.
Closing Statements
I feel this decision also came about from two unrelated factors: 1. The proposed model was an "Unlucky_Soul Model" that was "low quality". This can easily be remedied by getting a new model. 2. The meme that Core has the best PvPers on the server and only needs to breathe to win PvP engagement after PvP engagement, which isn't true at all these days.
I just really cannot fathom how the Dev team can just divide factions into "big" and "small", or "House" and "Non-House" in this way. As I've explained above there are literally loads of factors involved. I also feel like this decision came about as a result of making a simple direct comparison between Core and Order, even though on the whole the factions are vastly different from each other. At the end of the day, treating factions in Disco this way is like trying to compare apples and oranges. Except in space.
The Dev team under its new management is doing an impeccable job at maintaining transparency and fairness. Why hurt that success with the denial of this?
P.S My entire argument isn't based on CR getting the Deimos (some people may think this). Fun fact I actually requested this ship (and it was approved, way back when) before the Deimos.
I feel like this endeavour is hopeless really. It's a real shame to have this lined up to suddenly have it crumble to dust, and people not wanting to see our PoV. I don't want this ship so that I can use it as a cock-sleeve and wiggle it about in everyone's faces. The Megalodon was going to be a solution to a few problems that plague the NPC faction, and without it, we really don't know what to do. It's seriously killing our drive.
I just don't understand, what does the mod and community gain from denying this ship? What's so terrible about it being approved?