Posting here as PRJKTLRD due to being unable to log to my personal account. The password seems not to be working.
I am away from my home in new town, settling my life. It is a long story but I ended up arrested as those who should know the details are aware.
I am getting lap top in a week or so, and I have my personal stuff om my USB stick. Therefore, I will get onto leading the group prettmuch soon.
I will also use this chance to express my satisfaction on recent RP ideas around AI, Nomads and Commune. Carry on with that.
As for the internal Commune RP projects, which are mainly on tech basis, those will be continued as we and if we become official as the old threads still do exist and are ready to be refreshed, for example, like Genos Prototype engine thread that hethe insisted to continue, even now.
I am also kind of present on discord, but right now, it is painful for me to use all this on phone